Uterine Prolapse

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Chinnie kisses!
Jan 30, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
I guess the bad luck around here continues. This morning we were about to clean cages, when I see my girl Gaia has a "mass" coming out of her vaginal area. I immediately know its a uterine prolapse, so off to the vet we go. Luckily, the e-vet here is great and pretty knowledgeable. She should be in surgery now, having her histerectomy done. Hopefully I will be able to pick her up tonight, or tomorrow morning at the latest.

I have been a total wreck this morning as she is my baby. She is the first baby we had born here. She is also the mother of the recent triplets I had, including that kit that was viciously attacked. Please just pray that she makes it through this ok.

I already know they will be sending me home with metacam and probably baytril. But since she is nursing, is the antibiotic ok? Or should I just nix putting the babies back in with her and handfeed them since I am already handfeeding one?
Prolapse doesn't necessarily mean infection, so I'm not sure Baytril is an absolute. If there is no infection, and the vet is just doing it as a precautionary measure, put her on TMZ. If there was infection, then I would hand feed or foster them out and use the injectable Baytril. I would not want Baytril in such young kits.
hugs to you and to andrew.

i am so sorry about your bad run. it seems to go that way in life doesn't it? hope your bad run is over for a lllonnnnnnnnnng time!
We are back from picking her up from the vet. She is quiet at the moment, but doesn't seem to be too upset. I am keeping her in a carrier for now, just to monitor her input and output. She is also on SMZ-TMP for the next week just as a precaution. I am just glad she is finally home and the healing can begin. Thanks again to everyone for all the kind words during this time, and all the help and advice, especially Peggy! It makes going through these tough times a whole lot easier with great friends and experts to talk to.