Unchain PA

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
I just got this in an email from the local Humane Society.


When a dog is adopted from the Humane League, our staff celebrate because we know that the dog is going to a home where he or she will be welcomed into a new family and given lots of love and attention. Unfortunately, we are well aware that many dogs are not as fortunate. There are hundreds, even thousands of dogs across the state of Pennsylvania who live their entire lives outside, chained or tied to a fencepost, dog house, tree, or other stationary object. The majority of these dogs will never know the comfort and pleasures of living indoors, playing with dog toys, or sleeping at the foot of a bed.

In Pennsylvania, "Current animal cruelty laws allow a dog to be chained to a stationary object for its entire life as long as minimal food, water and so-called shelter are provided. The standards are extremely low. Legal action cannot be taken until a dog is already suffering from dehydration, malnutrition, hypo or hyperthermia." You can help to change this.

The Humane League would like to urge you to support House Bill 1254. According to Dogs Deserve Better, Inc, "HB1254 is a reasonable and responsible piece of legislation which would limit the number of hours a dog can be tethered outside within a 24 hour period. (Dogs would not be permitted to be tethered outside unattended between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am.) In addition, the following protections would be in place during the hours a dog is permitted to be tethered:

* Tether must not become entangled
* Minimum tether length requirement
* Tow chains are not permitted
* Proper fitting collar or harness
* Protection from direct rays of the sun (requirement for shade)
* Tethering is not permitted when a weather advisory has been issued"

HB 1254 is currently waiting action in the Judiciary Committee. Please contact your State Representative today to let them know that you support HB 1254 and that their support of this bill is important to you, as a registered voter. Click here for a sample letter that you can send to your representative.

Take action today. You can be a voice for the animals who cannot speak for themselves!

The mother organization for unchaining dogs website is


Chained dogs tend to be the reason why dogs bite as they tend to be not socialized so become very fearful. Everyone in all their states should try to help out all the furry animals.
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Thanks, Michelle. I just got the email from the Lancaster HS since I've adopted from them and am on their email list and the initial link I posted was what they had.
I found out about them when I was up with the York SPCA at Woofstock in Harrisburg in Sept. It was so sad to see the Wall of Shame they had there. A lot of Animal welfare groups were there and it was a lot of fun too, but also still eye opening as well.
(Dogs would not be permitted to be tethered outside unattended between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am.)

I don't live in PA, and I agree with the rest of the restrictions, but not this one, at least not completely. Sometimes I don't get home until 10 or 11 at night, and like to chain my dogs outside for about an hour so they can get some exercise before I bring them back in to go to bed. This doesn't happen often, but every once in a while, it can't be helped. Their leads are plenty long enough, they have shade, food/water, etc. and can come onto the porch if they want to. Just because it's late at night doesn't mean that i'm mistreating them. Would it really be better to just leave them in their cages? imo this needs some rethinking.
I don't think anyone's going to call animal control over an animal that is left out that late at night for a little while. If your neighbors are familiar with your schedule, they'd be able to vouch for you that the dogs aren't out there constantly. This entire situation is intended for dogs that are chained outside day in and day out.

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