Trying to peel my nail polish off .. haha!

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2011
I painted my nails last night for the first time since I've had Fonzie. This morning, after they were long dry and didn't smell anymore, I was poking around cleaning his cage a bit (he makes such a mess at night lol). He rushed over to me and immediately started to try to chew on my nails! I didn't let him, of course, but I just thought it was so weird that he noticed that something was different! Now every time i go to pet him, he pushes my hand away and holds one of my fingers and inspects it! It's a very pale color too so I guess they have good eye-sight unlike some other rodents. That's the one thing I didn't read up on them before I got him lol. Will he always notice stuff like this? Or is it just because this is the first time I've done it, so it's new?

These little guys just get better and better, never cease to amuse :laughitup:
Haha mine did that to me when I painted my nails the first time after getting them too...I think it's mostly that they can still smell it even though we might not. At one point I had a clear polish on which they tried to chew on (which I didn't let them do either) and I don't think they would have seen that...they seem used to it now though and don't try to chew it :)