
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
May 4, 2011
can u feed hedgies cinestra, basil, apple sauce and watermelon?
saw it on youtube videos
I've tried applesauce before - they weren't interested, but it's okay for them. I know others have fed watermelon.

Keep in mind hedgie bellies can become upset pretty easily when you're introducing new foods. Choose one and let your hedgie try a little. If she's not interested, that's fine; just remove it; you can try again with the same food in a few more days. If she likes it, just give her a little and watch for "results" the next morning - meaning, check out her poops. If they're a normal color, size, and consistency, then you can give her a little more the next time. If they're not the normal color, size, and consistency (eg, they're green), then hold off on the new stuff for awhile - you could try again in the future with a smaller amount (like if it's just a little off) or just not give her any more of that food if it's produced a poopy disaster.

Either way, I know you posted about your hedgie being sick or injured (maybe mites) recently. I'd make sure that situation is all cleared up before introducing new foods. You don't want to cloud the illness/injury/mites issue with another new thing. With hedgies, best way to go is one thing at a time.