Tia is acting a little strange

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Gonna keck your butt ;)
Sep 15, 2010
Ok, Tia is almost 4 months old. Everynight, I take her and her mom out for playtime. They alternate nights with Tribble- between being out in the living room and being in the chinchilla playpen.

I noticed the last couple nights in the playpen she will play for a bit and then lay down. The floor is tile, so I thought maybe she might be overheated? Her mom never lays down or anything in there- she is 1.5 years old. When she started doing this, I took her out of the playpen and put her back in her cage- it is a little cooler in their room.

I check on her and she was laying down on one of her shelves. I am a little worried. She is eating and drinking good. Her poops I am a bit unsure of because momma and her are in the same cage. What symptoms would I notice if there was an impaction of some sort?

Tonight is Tia and Chichi's turn to be out in the living room. Should I keep Tia in the cage and block off one section to watch poops?

Otherwise she seems good-- When she was out in the room last night- she was fine.. running and playing. It was the night before last when she was in the playpen that she started laying down.
FYI: My fiance, Adam, just checked on her and she is eating right now.
Here is a picture of her and Tribble's poops. Hers in upper right. Tribble's are about double the size of hers. They are the same age and Tia weighs a bit more than him. Right now she is bouncing around and seems to be having fun.

What do you think?



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What is the temperature in the playtime room? How long do playtimes last? She could be getting warm.

Has she lost any weight? If she is eating, drinking, and acting normal I wouldn't be too worried at this point.
The temperature is around 70 degrees. I try to open a window for a lil bit to lower the temperature.

The temp in their room is around 68 degrees.

She hasn't lost any weight and yes, she is drinking, eating and acting normal. So far tonight she hasn't laid down.

Thanks for your response Stevie P :)
Keep an eye on her poops, I went through a situation recently where my chins were having trouble (I believe from eating the CareFresh bedding) and they stopped pooping at one point. Here is the thread. It was a rough week but they came out alright.

Oh, also I switched from regular purified water to Reverse Osmosis water just to be sure. I got a gallon of it at the grocery store for 79 cents.
It seems I jumped the gun on who was having the small poops. I watched them both after playtime and Tia had a normal poop right in front of me. ChiChi, her mother, had a bunch of little poops. She sat in one spot for about five mins and there were quite a few fresh small poops. Maybe 10?

I am thinking many small poops is the same as a few bigger poops? I will keep an eye on this...

Thanks Amy for your help. I read your thread- glad you got that under control!