Thoughts & prayers for Smudge please.

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Can someone post pictures of "normal" chin poop?

Glad to hear that Smudge is active... is he still refusing food? Or has he gotten better with that?
Whew! I thought I was going to have to drive up/down there--wherever and have a talk with him! Glad to hear he's pooping. Only in the chin world are we excited about poops!
Glad to hear that Smudge is active... is he still refusing food? Or has he gotten better with that?

He will take CC willingly from a syringe as long as I dip it in either Dyne or simethicone. After awhile he gets tired of it and won't take anymore, but I let him have as much as he'll take. Usually he'll take anywhere from 10-20 mL's each sitting. Since I've seen him nibbling on a few pellets and he ate quite a bit of hay this evening, I'm not pushing him to eat more CC than he wants. I'm hoping that he'll start eating more pellets on his own. I don't want to stress him out anymore than he already is (he is already having to get somewhat restrained because I have to inject him with sub-q fluids & it is a pretty big ordeal) by burritoing and force feeding.
Lots of poops this morning that are a big improvement from what they were. :)) (I really need to get batteries in my camera so I can stop using my phone!)


Plastic scavenger hunt is still on...I hope he passed it but I hope I didn't vacuum it up the other morning before his good poos started!
Good job Smudge!!! It's so good to see his poos looking better and knowing he IS pooping! Good job Stace!
Poops have kept coming out bigger, better, and in more numbers all day. His cage actually looks like a normal chin cage scattered with poops now. :)) I talked to the vet on the phone today and per her advice he got his last dose of meds and last sub-q injections tonight. We are going to see how he does on his own tomorrow and through the weekend. Should he continue to improve he won't need anymore meds and injections, so here's hoping!

It has been a very exhausting week..I am going to be so relieved when he is all better on his own. I'm really starting to hate the smell of Critical Care!
Great Job Stacie. My only advice for you-although late- would to make chin cookies for him out of critical care. I had one go off feed last weekend and made her some cookies. She ate those right up and I didn't have to stress her out by force feeding. I used critical care, water, and pumpkin. She loved them.

Poops have kept coming out bigger, better, and in more numbers all day. His cage actually looks like a normal chin cage scattered with poops now. :)) I talked to the vet on the phone today and per her advice he got his last dose of meds and last sub-q injections tonight. We are going to see how he does on his own tomorrow and through the weekend. Should he continue to improve he won't need anymore meds and injections, so here's hoping!

It has been a very exhausting week..I am going to be so relieved when he is all better on his own. I'm really starting to hate the smell of Critical Care!

:bliss: That's excellent!!!!