This day bites!!!!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Ok, I usually don't post about my personal life, but I just have to vent.
So my crappy "day" actually started yesterday when I noticed our air conditioning wasn't working quite right. I was trying to do an introduction which hasn't been going well, and has been quite frustratng. So this morning I woke up and my house was like 80 degrees! I went and checked the outside unit and it wasn't running even though it was turned on. So, I figured the breaker was tripped. I went and checked the breaker box and sure enough the breaker for the AC was tripped. I flipped it back on and was instantly assailed with sparks and LOTS of smoke! SO, I just had to go spend $300 on a portable air conditioner for the chin room, AND I have to have an air conditioner repairman out, AND an electrician. Plus, my house is concrete and the air conditioner is not a traditional forced air system, so finding someone who even knows HOW to work on it has been a real problem. To top it all off, I just found my cat (13 years old, and in the early stages of kidney failure) peeing on my bed! He managed to soak my mattress pad, both sets of sheets, my blanket, and my comforter, which is dry clean only!

Ok, I am going to take a deep breath now, while I contemplate defaulting on my mortgage and quitting my job to move to the Bahamas. :wacko: Thank you for listening.
Yeah, I feel your pain. I have been having some personal crappy times, too. I just keep trudging along, hoping to leave the crap behind me soon. But, as always in life, I know there's just more up ahead. :mad:
I don't have days like that. Lately, it's been months like that. <rolls eyes>

Just keep telling yourself, "It has to get better tomorrow." :)
No Susan, sadly, it doesn't do a d**n thing! But I wanted to give Abby some hope. LOL
I find that if you imagine the most horrific thing going wrong, your whole day seems better when it doesn't. How's THAT for positive thinking? LOL.
A least it's not Friday thr 13th!! It could always be worse!!
What if the breaker didn't pop, and the whole thing caught fire??
LOL Thanks guys! Well, the air conditioner repairman came. He tested my A/C and said it works fine. Of course, then he flipped the offending breaker switch and the whole breaker panel caught on fire! I was really happy with him about that *sigh* So the electrician will be here tomorrow to tell me how much money (that I don't have) I will be giving to him. It's always something I guess. But on the bright side, all of my fur babies are fine, and besides being uncomfortably warm, and expecting a large repair bill, so are we. Thank goodness for insurance! Thanks for listening and for your good wishes. I'm just gonna keep singing that song from Annie--"Tomorrow"
OH NO!!! It seriously caught fire? Wow. It was a very fun day. I hope that it doesn't cost too much to fix. Maybe it's just a very simple thing that he can fix in five seconds and not charge too much. :)

Not having a functional central a/c is horrible, I's just awful. And, mine broke at the hottest time of the year. Window units just aren't much fun at all.
Woah, I'm really sorry about that (I was whining about my sunburn, wich is nothing compared to you). I try to tell myself, in a ****ty situation like yours, it could always be worst.
Whoa - I didn't wish it, I said "what if"!
If it's the exterior box, by the outside unit itself, friendly price should be around $150-200, as they're easy to get to! Be real nice to the guy!