They way chinchillas sleep

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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2011
Hello! I've had my beige chinchilla Kodah for about six months. Whenever I see him sleeping, he's always on all fours, kind of in a ball, and looks tense. That's only when he is sleeping outside of his hidey house, he may be sleeping differently inside there. Stupid question, but does the way a chinchilla sleeps indicate how comfortable they are? I see chinchillas in fleece tubes and they sleep on there sides and look very comfortable. Half of the bottom of the cage is covered in fleece (it's a mesh bottom) so he can rest his feet, but that's about all I have for fleece. He also sometimes sleeps on his wood shelves (ledges). I can buy a tube or a hammock, if it will make him more comfortable. How long does it take for them to adapt to the tube/ hammock? I feel like these are foolish questions, but I just want to make sure he feels okay. Oh, and if it matters, he's a very easy going chinchilla, and is very nice.
In my very unprofessional, new to chinchillas opinion, I think the way they sleep depends on the chin. Timothy sleeps like how you described, but Benjamin totallly relaxes and sleeps all splayed out on his side. this is just my observation, so I'm not sure if its totally correct
Mine sleep differently all the time. They often sleep balled up on a shelf in the corner despite having houses and hammocks and tubes. Some are more likely to be found in a hammock.
My little baby can usually be found in a different position every day! Some days on a shelf, somedays in a hanging house and others on the fleece on the cage floor. he also likes to stick his feet out at extremely wierd angles.
chins sleep in all sorts of positions and places. i think they switch it up just to keep us thinking, lol.

definitely get him a tube, chins love them. he'll probably take to it immediately and love it.
Most of the time my chin sleeps balled up, and the first time I saw her lying on her side, I thought she had died! Now I notice she sleeps on her side fairly frequently. I have no idea what affects her decision to sleep a certain way, whether heat has anything to do with it, but as long as she is happy, that's good enough for me.
sometimes Benjamin sleeps in a corner, standing on two feet with his nose pushed high up into the orner of the cage, it is really ute
I've seen my chins sleep on all fours, sitting up looking like a little buddah, stretched out on their sides, and spread eagle on their backs, and piled on top of each other. Who knows why they do the things they do?
sometimes Benjamin sleeps in a corner, standing on two feet with his nose pushed high up into the orner of the cage, it is really ute

hehe. So many positions to keep you wondering'


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and another'

I attached this in another thread so its not letting me here, but another one here


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