The Saddest Thing...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
A little while ago, we had two beautiful baby chins at the petstore I work at. The light gray one was so beautiful and sweet. He would just sit there and let me pet his sweet little back. Then, I came into the store for my shift, and Pia told me that one of the chins died. The light grey one. He had somehow pooed out his intestines during the night, and in the morning, he was barely alive. He died soon after. That evening, before everyone left, before the light grey chinnie died, Pia checked on him, and he was fine. She made sure he had food and water, and then left. Then, she came in in the morning to find him near death. What went wrong? Was it something we did, or was it just something internally wrong with the chinnie? He was so sweet...:tissue:
One of my chins died from a rectal prolapse, and it sounds like that's what happened to the little one. Wilbur showed no signs of illness; I just woke up one morning to find him limp on the bottom of the cage. He had surgery to put his intestines back in, but more often then not they end up dying from it. It typically occurs because the chin is straining too hard to poo. I'm sorry about hte little one :(
Yeah, I hope so too. The other chinnie was spooked by that, and didn't want to have any contact, even though before, he was all fine. I think it was because he smelled blood. Pia would place her hand in his cage every day, and she sometimes gave him treats, so he's not so scared anymore. I do feel so bad for that poor chinnie...