The Perfect Dog

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Has anyone ever heard or used "the perfect dog" to train their babies. Since my boyfriend moved in my dogs have been so bad. He is here with them more than I am so I bought it to help them all do well together. They are still wonderful with me but terrible when I am not around.

Any thoughts on "the perfect dog?"
i've never heard of 'The Perfect Dog'. like Bonnie said, let us know how it works out.

the one trainer i do like is Cesar Millan. he makes a lot of sense, and i like his way with dogs. i've used a few of his methods with my Tibby and they are working really well.
We took our doberman to an obedience school, which was several weeks of the owners getting trained on how to work with their dogs. Our dog was totally unmanageable when we first got him, and now he is thoroughly trained on leash. We would have to take him back for more training to be trained off leash. Obedience school is totally worth the time and effort.

Never heard of, The Perfect Dog, either. Hopefully it works for you.
I've never heard of the perfect dog either, but he will find they do much better if he spends time walking them with you and watches you. They are likely bad for him because he doesn't enforce the rules you just inherently command by your presence in the house. You could do a couples thing with an obedience class and each take a dog, that is pretty popular down here. Likely he's afraid to set boundaries because he is afraid it will upset you, and doing a class would help him realize that it won't. It will also keep you focusing on your own dog, sometimes people inherently get upset when others work with their pets and don't realize it.
I've not heard of Perfect Dog. It does sound too good to be true, but I'm interested to hear how it works for you. Lord knows Baron has a few behaviors I would like to get under control.
Within the first session, Koa has shown improvement! I also believe that the "collar" has made my boyfriend more comfortable and given him the "confidence" to work with them. He has been outside playing with them and they listen to us both again. I think it is similar to the placebo effect with humans.. Im sure he wouldve been able to train them without the collar, but it made him feel like he could. :) Over all its serving its purpose..

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