that's the time I dreaded... we have to make the call

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Wheel Cleaner X2
Jan 29, 2009
Laval, Canada
My ex told me Boing is getting wost and now has trouble eating and have to be fed Critical Care. I know it was comming, but we have to take an apointment to the vet to put him to sleep on Saturday. In the mean time, I'll try to see him as much as I can and will try to take paw prints before he's gone. I hoped he would live longer and even might see our children (the wouldn't happen anyway...). Even if he wasn't my favorite, I'll miss him a lot.
I'm so sorry to hear about Boing. It's an incredibly hard decision to make, but this will end his suffering. Paw prints sound like a wonderful keepsake, and I wish you the best during this difficult time.
he has advanced maloclusion. I might not be able to get paw prints. My ex contacted the hospital and how wants to buy him time and do extensive surgery for free, but we'd have to leave him and will go to someone else. They want him tomorow and I can't go see him tonight (I had ovetime, have a side contract to do tonight) or tomorow (ovetime again: the big boss even told us we have to cancel any plans we might have) I'm just so sad. I know the operation might buy time but he WILL have to be put down at some point. I wante to keep a bit of his fur and the ashes if possible, now it won't...
I would be leary about handing over my chinchlla to the vet to do surgery on and I would never see the chinchilla again. That's just me. The wondering would drive me crazy. Personally, I would put him down since that's probably what will end up happening as you mentioned and know that he didn't suffer needlessly.
I'm terribly sorry this day has finally come. I know you knew it would, but that doesn't make it any easier. I think it takes a tremendously kind person to end the suffering of an animal it loves and cares for. Best of luck to you and your ex during this difficult time.
I would be leary about handing over my chinchlla to the vet to do surgery on and I would never see the chinchilla again. That's just me. The wondering would drive me crazy. Personally, I would put him down since that's probably what will end up happening as you mentioned and know that he didn't suffer needlessly.

I am... I don't know if he called our regular vet or the one close to him, I'm gonna ask him. I find it weird that the vet would pay so that sort of surgery even if in the end the thoot will grow back and it's starting over again every couple of months. It's nice to have a good policy on not puting them down for stupid reason... but in the end I know it's not going to inprove his life and I want some sort of closure.
I agree, you would need that closure or otherwise you will always wonder. I'm sorry as well but having gone through this myself I can tell you that you are making the right decision by him.
I'm so sorry about Boing.I know how hard it is to lose a friend.
But I have agree with eroomlorac,something sounds fishy about that surgery.
so sorry to hear.
i know boing will eventually need to be put down and perhaps will not survive this surgery. but perhaps the doctor wants to perform the procedure as a learning process to see if he can help others in the future. maybe his intentions are good.
either way, i hope you find comfort.
I don't know if it was for learning (the "tooth" Dr there is a suposedly renowned specialist that tought even in the UK) but we decided againts. I got to get his paw imprited in "pâte à sel" wich is like a play daught that hardens and keep the paw forever. I'm glad I get that, because they charge an awfull lot to do single cremation, we opted for comunal cremation since we are both broke... and I still nee to think of my little balls of quills that are alive...
Boing knows you love him Karine, and love him you most certainly did. Someday you will be together again, you, he and all the quilled friends too!

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