Surrogate chin mom wanted

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Active member
Feb 26, 2011
Southern Oregon
Hi, I'm handfeeding a baby chin because its mother has no milk. It's a good mixture/formula a respectable breeder explained to me. Sorry if this makes no sense. I've been up all night feeding her. Feeding hourly. The baby was born at 56g and when I finally gave up on the mom having milk she was 51.5 grams. With feeding for the past couple of days she has gained back to 55g and we hope by tonight it will be 56 or more. I'm not lazy and am totally committed to helping this baby thrive and survive, I'm just wondering if anyone between central Oregon and northern California has a female with milk and 0-1 baby chins that might accept a new kit. I think this would be less stressful on the baby. I'm already exhausted, so if there is an easier way, I would be very appreciative. I will travel and will pay by the week a price we negotiate. I would take the baby back after a few weeks when she's strong. She's a standard female TOV violet carrier.

It will be hard finding another breeder that will trust that your baby won't bring disease into their herd. There is also no guarantee that a strange female will take her on. Putting her with a female that you don't know could result in her being torn to bits. Unfortunately, as exhausting as hand feeding is, it's a commitment made when you paired her parents to create her. It's not fun, but it's better to learn how to do it with a single litter before you get a litter of triplets or larger that lose their mother.

Also, I mentioned this in your other thread but you may have missed my response. There is no such thing as a TOV carrier. Your female is just a standard violet carrier.
Your body will adjust to the lack of sleep after about a week and then it'll feel like second nature. I handfed every 2 hours around the clock for 3 months, and Nixi, while on the small side, is healthy, happy and absolutely spoiled rotten at 11 months old. I'm convinced she's half chinchilla/half human as a result of the handfeeding interaction. I'll never breed again, but the experience, while stressful, was well worth it.

Best of luck!
You're lucky. You only have to take care of one. I was hand feeding 2 sets of quads at the same time. I would have been doing cartwheels if there had only been one.

I agree with Tab. The odds of you getting someone to let you foster the kit are probably slim to none. I might do it if I knew you well, or knew your herd well, but I would never do it for a complete stranger.
Thanks all. I decided to keep handfeeding her. And yes, I accept full responsibility. She is so sweet and feisty. Very strong too. I think she's going to make it. She's 57g as of her last feeding. I love her totally. She's worth it.
The baby is 8.5 weeks old now

The loss of sleep was so worth it. This kit wanted to survive and I was glad to be a part of helping her. Her name is Zenyatta, or Yatta for short. Too many adorable pics to choose from, but I'll try. She is currently starring in my 2012 calendar, my Chins in Outer Space comic book, and my Extreme Chins photo journey. I'm taking examples of all of these to the Eugene OR show on Oct 1st.

I appreciate everyone's voice and help in getting the baby to not only survive, but to thrive. She weighs about 265g+ now. My avatar of her was taken a couple of days ago. She's going to be a big piggie just like her mama.

For some reason, I can't get my pictures to post, so sorry about that. I informed the tech person, but even that didn't work. Oh well. She's a cutie. Take my word for it. And her mama and papa love her. Jeeves, her dad, was neutered a few weeks ago, so they can now be a forever family. :)
Hi Scupltor! So happy to hear that Yatta is thriving! She looks very adorable in your avatar photo! The Chins in Outer Space comic book sounds very interesting! ;) is so silly. I wish I could post the one where my 5 chins are playing roller derby around the rings of Saturn. I'll have to ask a moderator what's up with the picture attachment not working. Little Yatta is quite a firecracker. She says hi to all. :D