
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Jan 2, 2011
One of my chins is just shabby looking. Ive only had him a little while and he used to live in an old barn with no lighting, or whatever happened to come thru the stall doors. He was fed and still is, Mazuri chinchilla food. I make sure he gets a dust bath every couple of days. He gets free access alfalfa cubes and usualy has 2 or 3 apple sticks in there also..

I was just wondering if there was anything I can do or get to help him..Or do I just need to wait and give him more time to adjust?

Also.. do chins shed?

He probably just needs more time to adjust. They can shed, and if you're worried about his health you can try feeding loose hay (mine prefer loose most of the time). He could just be shabby looking because he may have been previously stressed out.
Thanks for the information... So they dont shed like a dog or something? Certain times of the year or anything?