Successful Introduction!!!

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I love my chinchildren!
Dec 12, 2012
Hi all--

So, after all of the advice I sought about intro-ing two males to each other, I got a new hetero (I think?) beige male named Bambam who has been with multiple young males in the past. In addition, before I bought my mosaic baby male he was with three other chins so he has a history of getting along with others as well.

Well, the quarantine period for Bambam just ended and I decided to try beginning the introduction process. I placed their cages next to each other and they both hopped around sniffing, and then I walked in hours later to see them huddled up next to each other in their separate cages. Now I know I moved a bit fast, but I decided that they would be okay in a VERY supervised (neutral territory) play time.

That went very well also, they sniffed each other and bounced around. There was a little bit of mounting on both of their parts but neither seemed to care at all or even react really.

So, because that went very well I decided I wanted to put them in a carrier and take them on a ride. 5 minutes into that ride they were cuddled up together sleeping. So, I took them home, prepared the cage with all clean accessories, two food bowls, and two water bottles. I put them both in the cage and here are the results after one day! No scuffles, no fur pulling, no biting, just bouncing around and cuddling. I must have gotten extremely lucky!! I was amazed at how well it went. Here are the pics:





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I introduced a couple of older males last week (one is 12 and the other 6 or 7 years old)...and now they're inseparable.

Keep an eye on them, they look like they really enjoy each other but sometimes chins can have spats that turn into fights....but you already know that!
yep, I will! I have been checking on them constantly. It hasn't been very long so I know things could change but they have shown absolutely no signs of dominance or aggression whatsoever, I am amazed! Even my pair who have been bonded for 4 years still mount each other and have had a few spats.

Of course I will continue to watch them very closely though, I just hope it stays this way!
i love the looks form them in the second picture. Both looking like 'excuse me! a little privacy please!'

That's what I was thinking too! They're so goofy

Thanks everyone! I couldn't be happier. They still seem like absolute best buds :)