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Susan, this person claims to take on rescue chins as well as breed. What happened to that chin is beyond disgusting.

As I stated in the original thread where wischin mentioned it:
Please tell me that you didn't amputate that leg yourself?
If you did I am going to say that it was completely inappropriate & barbaric (& believe me, I am being very restrained & polite here).
The chin should have been taken to a fully qualified veterinarian for the procedure to be carried out under aseptic conditions, by a professional vet using correct, sterilized surgical instruments, correct ligation of blood vessels, correct closure of anatomical structures, appropriate fashioning of the stump & all carried out under appropriate anesthetic.

You cannot vent on here about how appalled you are by the way in which chins are not cared for properly & then post that you did "do it yourself" surgery on a chin, especially one that needed a limb amputation & had spent 3 days in pain, with exposed tissue & bone - the risks of infection were massive & the chin should have been taken to a vet.

Wischin, as a rescue (which you claim to be as well as a breeder) you should be beyond reproach but your posts on this forum are disturbing in many ways. You seem to be taking the moral high ground & you've got absolutely no right to do that when you are proudly boasting that you didn't take a needy chinchilla to the vets but were happy to perform a 'do-it-yourself" amputation.
Seriously, you're not going to get any praise for withholding vet care full stop. Add to that getting your knickers in a twist about how others care for their chinchillas & you're about to get a lot of stick (deservedly too).
First, Stack, shaddup. I did not MAKE you take them. They followed you home on their own.

Second, Wischin - The advice you give is dangerous and incredibly stupid. Sorry, here's where the gloves come off. You advocate whacking off a chin's limb without the benefit of veterinary care. You recommend to a COMPLETE noob who shouldn't even own chins, let alone breed them yet, to palpate a female to see if she's pregnant. What's next? Do it yourself C-sections?

You will not come on this forum and start dealing out incredibly stupid and dangerous advice like a deck of playing cards. You need to stop posting, start reading, try learning something, then maybe you can post something that is even somewhat correct. Your genetic post is a complete nightmare of misinformation. Your home leg amputation has the entire forum in an uproar (and believe me, I know it because my PM box is full with pm's and reports because of it), and your palpation advice is now starting to give me nightmares.

Stop posting. Start reading. Learn something. Do those 3 things, then maybe you'll be able to post again. Until then, you're going into permanent moderated status, because I cannot in good conscience allow you to continue posting the HORRID advice you give and endanger someone's chin, whether it's a beloved pet or a breeder.
A lot of "Breaders" Think of themselves as breeders. I have two or 3 near me that are just scary and I have people come from their place to mine all the time amazed by the difference in animals and care. It is sad. Especially when I get emails from people asking me to help with situations that have arisen due to these "breaders" that are so proud of themselves
First, Stack, shaddup. I did not MAKE you take them. They followed you home on their own.


Stacie, IT'S TRUE! Mine followed me home too! Except a couple of them, they followed the chinfairy over to my house! :neener:
And don't say "I'm a rescue, I can't afford to take every sick chin I see into the vet!" because that makes you no better than the people you rescue from. Don't take on responsibility for a life without the means to care for it...and maybe I should add "care for it properly"...not with home amputations.

Well said! Just because you take in rescues it doesn't at all mean that you are allowed to deny medical care. It's quite the opposite. Rescue means sacrificing huge amounts of time and money!

My vet works with me when it comes to surgeries and things so that I can afford them, but it's still a fortune some months. It's not fair that I would have to pay that when I could just do everything at home myself! (kidding!!) I just don't get why anyone would rescue a chin and not go to the vet when it needs vet care.

It's almost a sacred duty when you take a chin from someone you would give it veterinary care. It would be such a betrayal of trust to not give that animal the best care possible... It's sickening. After all these years I still get surprised at what people do with the chins...why haven't I just gotten to the point where I can't be surprised anymore?
Oh gosh, how could she amputate the chin leg just like that? wow, I could never just amputate a limb, when I actually cannot even see blood, I tend to get dizzy and even if I could have the guts to do it, I would never, I would be more afraid of killing the chin than to help it.
Bravo Tunes, I was just wondering if someone had the power to do that :) Now if only we could moderate the way he treats his chins...