SO many changes!

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Jan 29, 2009
Like the title says, I am going through a ton of life changes right now! Here's a rundown:

Just graduated undergrad on Saturday (I graduated Magna Cum Laude!), and will be transferring to Kent State for grad school in the fall, where I do not know a single person. In fact, I still have yet to even see the campus. I'll have to find a new apartment and friends and get used to all my professors, classwork, and duties. So scary! My car also broke down twice on the way home from school, so I have to find a new car. The good news is that I got my grant position so I will have full tuition covered and receive a stipend on top of that! I am specializing in mainly children with autism, as well as those with multiple handicaps. (BTW: I could really use good vet recommendations for Masi if anyone has any.)

I am also going to Zambia from May 19 to June 24 (about 6 weeks) with graduate school. I will be working with orphans, doing Speech Pathology-related things, such as assessing language development and swallowing, doing oral-facial exams, and just plain lovin' on them (they need it and, clinically, it aids in development). I am excited for it, but very nervous. I will have to leave sweet Maserati for all that time and I will miss her SO much! But, I am leaving her with a sitter I trust so I know she will be fine.

We just had to put my dog Lucky down because he had really bad arthritis and was in a ton of pain. The vet said surgery wouldn't do much for him because of his age and size and recommended putting him down because he would be in pain and miserable if we kept him alive. He's been my best friend for over 10 years and it's really hard to let go. Right now I am in that stage where I will burst into tears when I walk into the house and he isn't here. I also will walk around the house looking for him, and sometimes even "hear" him barking.

It's just quite a bit to deal with on top of other general family health issues, so I really need positive thoughts and prayers!
I wish you luck in the continuing months! They sound like they are going to be hard, but very much a rewarding part of life!

Good luck & make the most of it, im sure it will fly right by!
Good luck on all your endeavors. It sounds like an exciting time in your life with so many new experiences. Kent State holds a dear place in my heart as I will never forget May 4, 1970. Say a little prayer for me at the memorial they have on campus at the site of the shootings, would you?

I'm sorry about your dog. I sometimes "see" my old dogs that are gone out of the corner of my eye, too. It is difficult to see our dogs in pain and you did the right thing.
My mom graduated from Kent State with an education degree! Carol, I also remember May 4, 1970, as I heard a lot about it from my mom.

Congrats on graduating, Kent State (wonderful school), and your upcoming trip. How exciting!

I'm also very sorry to hear about your dog. I've had more than my share of that experience. I know how heartbreaking it can be. :(
Thank you all! Carol, I will say a prayer at the memorial for you! I am eager to see it, but will not be able to until July.

I'm getting so nervous for my Zambia trip - I leave on TUESDAY! So please say a quick prayer for me at 12:30 pm (when I take off from Baltimore) that I have safe travels! I will miss logging onto CnH, hehe! :cute: