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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
I have noticed the past few days churro will sneeze a few times while he is sleeping it seems to happen maybe once or twice a day that I notice. His nose isn't wet or runny and his eyes are not watery and I dont knwo what it is and I am curious if i should take him to the vet or not?:hmm:
If he is sneezing enough for you to be concerned, you may want to take him to the vet and have them listen to his chest. It could be the beginning of an upper respiratory infection. Otherwise, it could be dust irritation or bedding? How often do you dust him and what kind of bedding are you using?
i used to use eco bedding the thin pieces of card board ive been using that for the year ive had him and i just put him in a new cage yesterday with fleece liners but he was sneexing before and after and its not to bad it seems to just be random and he getsa dust bath 2-3 times a week all depends on if he wants to do it or not for some reason he is skeptical about dust baths and if i look at him while he is doing it he runs out and hides which is pretty funny