Small cut on nose

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Nov 8, 2010
Hi all,

I just discovered a small cut on Oscars nose, its pale pink, its not bleeding or wet, theres just a tiny sliver of hair missing (i'm pretty sure its new and not an old scar). I didn't want to touch it directly (and risk getting it dirty) but when i was holding him he was being completely normal and didn't seem to be in pain even when i lightly touched the area around it on his face.

Its 1 am here, what can i do right now before i call my vet tomorrow?

Thanks in advance!!!!

PS i have saline solution, should i put some on a q-tip and clean it for him?
If it's just a bit of fur missing, no blood, or obvious infection then I'd leave well alone - he's probably been poking his nose through the bars or something & taken a little bit of fur off.