Shoulder training?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
I have always wondered how to shoulder train a chin. I know it must be possible, but I was wondering if anyone has had any success with it? :dance3:
Are you trying to get your chin to sit on your shoulder? If so that just takes time. Mine has only recently started jumping on my shoulder and I got her in November.
I think it also depends on the chin. You can really train chins into doing anything, it's just what they decide. One of my boys will sit on my shoulder on occasion and he did it one of the first nights of having him out. My other boy it took him a while but he is a real shoulder sitter, he loves being up there. So it really just depends on your chin and how they're feeling. If one of your chins gets up there by mistake though, they might realize they love it and continue to go up! You never know.
Edgar will sit on our shoulder if we open the top door of his cage and he wants to come out. Of course most of his time is spent looking for anything to jump off onto. Once in a while he'll just sit there but it's very rare and usually after out time when he's tired.
I was wondering because I have two sets of chins and one loner, and I wanted to know if there was a way so that I could have him with me for longer than usual, I think I ust found my fix.
You could also get a fleece bonding pouch from Tiffany (threewingedfury). It goes over your shoulder and allows you to take them around the house with you while you do whatever you need to do. It could be good time spent with your lonely chinnie and its safer than shoulder riding.
Great point about falling. Edgar always has the option of jumping back into the cage when he is on us for this reason. I have no doubt he's fearlessly jump if we walked with him on our shoulder.

I like to have treat time after out time. I sit at the bottom of his cage and we just talk while he eats. At first he'd come and go but eventually he'd sit with me. Now he sometimes will just lay down and nap and best of all he's finally letting me give him scratches on his head after being with us for nine months. Trust takes time but is totally awesome when you start making progress.
It takes a lot of time but some are more natural 'riders' than others. Doughboy will sit on mine for hours, he's learned to balance with me when I bend over and pick things up. That took a lot longer because they love to run down your back and hop off onto the floor.

He's also the inactive type of chin, very food motivated and easy to train.
Pepper will sit on my shoulder until the cows come home. Leo will sit for just a little while, maybe 15 minutes. Dorie will sit, but only sometimes. Tula is all over the place, constantly running around and getting into everything. For the most part it just takes time. Them more you put them up there, usually while your sitting like on a couch or something that they can jump onto if they feel unsafe without a fall.

With mine its about trust and knowing their personalities. I know Pepper would rather just sit there, and never jumps off so I feel comfertable to walk short distances or stand. I wouldnt risk it with any of the others though. If you have a larger chest they like to sort of sit there in front of you.....
I don't trust any of my chins to stay on my shoulder. They are always looking for the 'next adventure' and I'm afraid they'll jump and get hurt. My foster boy, Houdini, though, just might do it. He is very calm and easy going. Still, I just don't trust them to stay put.
It takes a lot of time but some are more natural 'riders' than others. Doughboy will sit on mine for hours, he's learned to balance with me when I bend over and pick things up. That took a lot longer because they love to run down your back and hop off onto the floor.

He's also the inactive type of chin, very food motivated and easy to train.

lol i can picture him doing that to..he was the cutest old chinnie fart ive ever seen!!
I think I might look into buying one of the bonding pouches, but do the chins stay in them?
I think I might look into buying one of the bonding pouches, but do the chins stay in them?

I've tried all four of my boys in them and all four have stayed. It's better during the day when they're sleepy, but they're pretty deep so it's hard to get out of them. A couple of my boys just stick their head out which is really cute and look around.
Trixie will, on occasion sit on my shoulder during playtime..but she much prefers sitting on the back of my chair. I sometimes get a bet nervous when it comes time to carry her back to her cage afterward. She sometimes tries to climb up onto my shoulder for the ride home..and I don't let her. That is when she will get a bit miffed and nip at my ear.:hair:
I have the bonding pouch from Tiffany (threewingedfury) as well but just make sure it isn't too warm in the area of the house that you will be in. They really do stay in there though.
Annie will sit on my shoulder on ocassion, but it has to be on her terms! In other words, I can't just pick her up and plop her on there. She has to crawl up there when she feels good and ready. Gabbie is more of a lap sitter then a shoulder sitter, lol! She really does not like heights of any kind. Dude is much too rambunctious for shoulder sitting. He would probably get up there for like, two seconds then be bouncing away onto something else.

Thank you to those who mentioned the pouch! I am going to check that out!