Should I feed this feed?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I am not sure if this feed it okay, it's just plain old rabbit food. I used to feed Kaytee, but after getting my third chin, I changed to rabbit. I recently started questioning the quality of my rabbit feed. Her are the percentages, are they okay?

Protein (Min) 18%
Fat (Min) 1.5%
Fiber (Min) 18%
Fiber (Max) 21.5%
Calcium (Min) .8%
Calcium (Max) 1.3%

If they aren't okay, what are some of the best brands to feed, and cheapest, as my dad is very cheap, and is shipping outrageous?
Thank you SO much.
I switched recently from Oxbow to Nutrena rabbit feed, mine really like it. It was 16.50 for a 50lb bag and I got it at a feed store.
I was spoiled by having Oxbow pellets at the local pet store in 10lb bags, then they started being flakey about stocking hay and pellets so when I was at the feed store getting a couple of bales of hay I noticed they had Nutrena feeds and they had the rabbit feed some here use, being only 16.50 for 50lbs and it was fresh, I thought WTH why not try some, worst case I would donate it to the rabbit rescue or humane society, but they liked it better than the Oxbow and I personally think it smells very nice and sweet, the Oxbow has little odor. So it was spur of the moment and I switched them cold turkey with no problems. I had tried PANR in the past and they hated it.
Interesting! Glad they liked it. I am thankful I get my feed (oxbow) pretty cheap :) and the chins like it so I am happy, but good food for thought.
I talked to Gene Adcock once regarding feed and Nutrena was one of the ones he suggested to me.

I believe Tunes is also on it? To me the percents are only part of what you want to look at, you also want to see what the ingredients are.

Do you guys come through this way often at all Mikayla? If you came through like twice a year you could get feed from me.
I feed a mixture of 2/3 PANR 1/3 Mazuri and it's pretty cheap. PANR is $15 for a 50lb bag and the Mazuri is about the same for a 20lb bag.
Oh okay! I guess the ingredients are important, i kind of just figured they would just be generic... I know we come to Nebraska quite often, and you are only a few hours away, so maybe that could just be a way to get my parents to drive me up there. lol :p
I've used the Nutrena for a while now. I'm happy with it. Good weights on the chins, good growing weights on the young ones. The chins seem to really like it. They do have ups and down with eating depending on the weather (same with drinking), but overall I have empty feeders and healthy chins, so I'm good with it.
I might use that or I might try something different, I just need something available. lol
Mikayla - Always consider proximity when getting your feed. It's fine to get feed from someone several hours away, but what happens if you run out in a blizzard? Or if someone is sick and can't get there? It's better to try and find a feed that's local to you, like within half an hour, if at all possible.
I agree with Peggy. I don't live out in the boonies but I needed a feed that I could get in a pinch and the only 2 that were good feeds and that were available to me were Mazuri and Oxbow. I tried Mazuri first but my boys did not do well with it so I switched them to Oxbow and they have been doing great on it.
I agree with what both Peggy and Sani suggest. I feed Oxbow for two reasons. 1. It's what the petstore was feeding Shelly when I bought her, and I didn't want to change her feed. 2. I can find it everywhere!

Sandi sells Oxbow at a great price. It is less that what I would pay at a petstore or my local feed.
I drive two hours to get my feed... I don't see a problem with getting feed from where-ever, but you just have to know how much you have and get it before you get low.