should i be worried?!

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Hey everyone I finallyyy brought rufio home today after weeeks of waiting and he ran around my living room "chinproof" alllll night at least 3 hours or so with my air on 64 so he would stay nice n cool he is fulllll of energy. Sooo when bed time came around 3 am my time I left a lil light on so I could see him and well I have a qualitycage townhouse which is 30"x24"x36" and lil rufio was climbing allll the way to the top of the cage and sticking his nose outta the top then jumping almost all the way back down :/ a couple times he tried jumping across the cage to a ledge and came up a little short n fell. And all while doing this he kept making a pounting noise. He was eating hay all night and nibbling at his food and water but my questions are should I be worried about him climbing the cage and jumping like that? It kinda scares me. And are the noises normal I mean it is his first night away from mom dad n sis...pleaseeee help me and give me some advice n make me feel better I am sooo paranoid now I can't sleep. Thank u soo much in advance for helping
Sounds like little rufio is getting "way" too much free run time. There's another post on here about a chin that got overheated and miserable due to too much running. It needs to be about 10-15 min. day to start. As far as the climbing--my "mango" is a spiderchin too!!hehe. He definately does it when he gets excited and has always climbed. Not a bad thing-don't worry. But, falling, may be due to being over exerted and he got clumsy. Double check all the ledges are good heights and distances to avoid accidents. He also needs to settle in his cage with very little goings on for a couple days. Glad to hear the little one is eating and drinking. Lots of good info here on forum for you. Good Luck and congrats on new baby!!
Ohh ok ooops I apologize I did not realize he could play to much..I just figured he was still exploring his new home and having a good time and there was no pink in his ears at all so I figured he was good. Could anyone tell me why it is bad for him to be out for that long if his ears r not pink? And alsoo it was not really like rufio was "falling" it was more like he was going all the way up sniffing for a min then jumping back down sometimes jumping to another part of the cage to propel off of it but sometimes he would just jump like the whole 2 and a half almost 3 foot down.maybe I should just go add alotttt more shelves so he won't jump as far if he does climb?
It's not a bad thing to have extra shelves so they have something to bounce off of. People also add hammocks mid-way down so if the chin falls it's a soft landing, instead of a far drop to the bottom of the cage.

As far as him being out too long, even if the room is cool, put on a fur coat, and then jog in place for a couple hours. How do you feel? Definitely not cool and comfortable. The same happens with your chin. If he keeps running and running nonstop, he's going to overheat eventually. Also, they are not very big animals to begin with. If he runs for 3 hours a day, every day, that's a lot of burned calories. Does he have enough food intake to offset that? Does he have access to water the entire time he is running so he can stay hydrated?

It doesn't mean it HAS to be bad for him, but that is a pretty long time for a chin to be actively running every single day.
Alright yeah I get what ur saying that does make sense :) I didn't plan on doing it everyday but I figured since it was his first day he woukd like to explore as much as possible. He was not scared at all the whole ride home which was only a few miles but he had a blast in the car and was super calm cuddling with my girlfriend as I drove so I figured he didn't need to go straight to his cage. And yeah I'm about to go out n buy shelves now and I have a hammock and a few other items on the way. He did seem a little skittish this morning so I'm thinking maybe he just now realized his parents were gone? I took some of the spolied bedding from mom n dad and put it into the pan I wanted him to pee in but it seems like he likes to lay in there more it is carefresh. And I think he peed in another corner which is the corner he peed in in the other cage so should I try putting the pan there instead? Sorry I write so much but I love him so much already n wanna make sure I know everything I can
I think that putting the litter pan in the corner that he has been peeing in is a good idea. That's exactly what most people do to train them.