Reasonable priced vet in LA?

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May 20, 2014
I'm wondering are there reasonable priced vets in LA, especially for head x rays. I have called three places but their x ray all cost >$150. VCA asks for ~$190, Westchester Veterinary Center & Cat Clinic asks for ~$160, Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital asks for ~$110 but there is another something $8 per minute(sorry I didn't understand what the lady said). And these are just the x ray, not including the examination alone. These are far more expensive than what is usually discussed on this forum, right?

I just got a new adult chin (turning 2 year old this Nov) and he keeps having this or that small problems since I got him one and half months ago. I really hope to do a thorough examination for him to exclude dental issues. However, the steep price just stops me from doing that. Any recommendations of LA vets?

Thank you so much.
From what I've seen $100-$200 for x-rays seems pretty normal for pricing. I would guess the $8 per minute is for anesthesia, since chin's need to be put under for x-rays. Most office visits cost about $30-$70 since you need to see an exotic specialist, it varies from place to place how much they charge. Unfortunately chin's aren't really expensive pets until you get to the vet, vet bills in the hundreds or even thousands are not uncommon.
I can't help you with a good vet in LA, I've never lived there, but have you check the vet list on the forum yet?
Thank you for the reply. I thought the normal cost should <$100. Hard to imagine what the bill is going be like to take multiple x rays between filings.

The one including the $8 per minute for anesthesia is recommended on this forum. As far as I've heard of, that one might be the best in my area. How long the anesthesia is going to be? 10 min or even longer?
That is what my vet charges. The prices you are getting are on par with all the others I've gotten in the city.
My exotic vet charges $59.00 for the 1st exotic then 1/2 price on the next and so on but it has to be the same visit. Dogs and cats are cheaper maybe between $45 to $50. I don't take my dogs and cats there since I found another vet closer to home for them.
Try the Overland Animal Clinic in the Palms area of LA I believe. The vet I saw was great and he was reasonable for a visit. I never needed any testing though. I would trust this vet more than VCA. They are also open seven days a week. Hope this helps!
Wow this is super close to me. I didn't know there was a reliable vet this close. Thank you so much for this recommendation.
Your welcome. I always saw Dr. Schwartz, but there is a new one there who sees exotics too. I moved to Michigan a year ago and had to find a new vet. I found a good one, but more expensive than the one in LA.
My exotic vet charges $59.00 for the 1st exotic then 1/2 price on the next and so on but it has to be the same visit. Dogs and cats are cheaper maybe between $45 to $50. I don't take my dogs and cats there since I found another vet closer to home for them.

Mine charges similar prices to yours. $40 for the first and about 1/2 off additional in the same visit.

I believe it depends on the area you are in. :)