Really frightening chin dream. (Warning: somewhat graphic/disturbing.)

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My babies Rock!
Jan 31, 2009
Western NY aka: Our Zoo. (We only lack a bird.)
Last night I had a dream that still had me scared when I woke up today. I'm honestly still a little nervous about it now. In the dream, the older child I live with came into my room while I was sleeping (I rent room from a friend who has 2 kids) and destroyed everything he could touch. The furniture was moved and broken, stuff from other rooms was dragged into the bedroom, books and sewing stuff scattered everywhere... all while I was dead asleep right there in the same room.

But the worst part was that he'd targeted the animal cages. My hamster's tank was smashed on one end, broken glass everywhere. She was gone, and no sign of where she'd hidden. The cat was under the bed hissing at any sound or movement. Couldn't tell if she was hurt; she was just a ball of black and orange hunkered down in the far corner. Crash's cage door was open, bedding everywhere, his toys pulled apart and scattered, food and water dumped, and he was cowering in the back shaking and barking at anything that moved.

Then I saw his face: one of his eyes was clouded over and tannish/grey, and he kept pawing at it. (I've seen the child dig his finger into the dog's eye on more than one occasion, though not recently. I'm guessing that's part of where that image came from.) So, immediately, we're off to a vet.

The vet in this dream was a youngish woman with dark hair and did a great job of calming me down while she initially checked Crash over. Then he went into the back to be sedated for an eye exam. When she came back out, she told me that he was permanently blinded in that eye (not so horrible; there are plenty of one eyed chins in the world, assuming he survived the treatment), but that he also had a horrible case of Malo and she recommended an immediate euth b/c his roots were digging through the bone. Then she tore me apart verbally b/c he hadn't been seen by a vet since he was in rescue @ForCHINate Chins in Cleveland (Dr. Z) and that I wasn't fit to own an animal if I was going to neglect his health and let a child terrorize him like that. And after everything else that had happened, including the chewing out that I (in the dream) knew I deserved, I told her to do it. :cry3:

When I woke up, of course I rushed over to the cage... to get the stink eye from the back corner where His Highness was/is sleeping. Maybe it was just guilt b/c he didn't get playtime last night? I know I'm not a bad chin mom; he always has hay, pellets, water, and something(s) to chew on. He's got a wheel. He gets playtime at least 5 nights a week unless work runs *way* over (like last night). He gets checked for hair rings monthly and his weight is stable. I try to check his teeth monthly, but I've never been 100% sure I'm doing it right, and he absolutely *hates* being restrained for that kind of thing, so he fights me pretty hard. The cat is fine, the hamster is fine, the only mess in my bedroom is one I caused paying bills... I just wish I could get the darn thing out of my head! I'm honestly so rattled now I'm tempted to find a way to lock the Ferret Nation once I get it put together this weekend, just to make sure the child I live with can't get at him. Or maybe just so I can trust myself more?

Anyway, I'm hoping typing all this out to the kind of people who would understand why "just a dream" about my pets being tortured is so upsetting will help me put it behind me.
Awwww! We all have crazy dreams sometimes and there isn't much literal truth to them. I think you did a good job of analyzing where the fears may have come from though. I also have wild nightmares about my animals getting hurt or taken from me. We are just people that happen to love animals as a major part of our lives and its a normal fear.

You aren't a bad chin mom --- far far from it. Lots of chins would be happy to have the live you give Crash. Have you been reading the chin emergencies section before bed with lots of malo talk ? no more of that missy! Obviously you know if he had malo you would see some signs..your smart and informed enough for that!!

Chock this up to feeling guilt over not letting him play (which is fine!) and loving them so much that your fears are that something could take them from you . . .

I hope it gets out of your head soon !!
Yikes. That was a bad one.

I had a dream that someone chin sat for me and rearranged all my cages - put one in the garage that had Samson in it and it was too hot in there - I ran in crying for samson - and then all the breeders paired up differently when i got home - and some of them even had hamsters or guinea pigs in there with them too (weird cause we dont own them) and I was freaking out lol...not a good one either
It's probably your fear of something horrible happening. If you are an anxious person, it could be you are mentally trying to prepare yourself for a situation like that. People who have anxiety always think "what if this happens" and try to plan for the worst case scenario (when in reality they are stressing themselves out more than needed for an improbable situation). This may just be you doing that while you are asleep.

I have the worst nightmares and day dreams. Everyone I love dies in horribly gruesome ways. I also have pretty bad anxiety issues and my dreams definitely come from my anxiety disorders. Also, I'm a CSI and Law&Order junkie and it makes it so much worse!!

Actually, I've found what has helped most is pretty much what you did. Talk about it and rationalize it. Analyze it and figure out what it means and why it does not make sense to feel that way.
Have you been reading the chin emergencies section before bed with lots of malo talk ? no more of that missy!

Yeah, that too. :wacko: Malo is my biggest concern b/c he was a "surprise" litter from a pair of pet store chins, and since he's 3 now, its time to watch for it. My vet fund is still recovering from the cat needing a dental, and I guess just being worried caused that crazy dream. :hair:

Anxious is a good descriptor these days. :)
I can totally identify with dreaming about chins, but most of the time mine are good dreams. Every once and a while I will have a bad one. Most recently I drempt(sp?) that I for got to feed and water all my animals and they were all breeding in this cage that was tiny, like a little wire dog cage. There were all these different animals that I dont own in there too. It was so weird. It was like one died, then one would have babies! freaked me out then I woke up and was like...wait a minute I dont have alligators or birds in with my chinchillas....:wacko:

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