RE: The non producing chinchillas

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
RE: The non producing chinchillas

I searched the forum as much as possible hoping to find the information I was looking for in regards to animals placed in breeding and no kits produced. So I guess I'll start this thread in hopes of answers.

I have had a pair together for a year. The female has produced several years before with another male. I put her in breeding last December with a new male I purchased and............NOTHING.
I know many of you have the same problems with males or females. Was wondering do you change partners and see what happens. Or do you just do this :hair: and let them go?

This pair is quite comfortable with one another. No spats. Pair breeding set up. I could just cry because this new male I bought last year is so darned stunning and a great match for my herd. I suppose I could try a different female with him. Male had never been in breeding before. His DOB is May 2011

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I have a beige female - gorgeous animal, section champ when shown, only beige in my herd but I'm too darn fond of her to let her go - who produced once with a male in 2011. Then, nothing. Kept her in with the male until earlier this year, when I switched her out to a smaller, faster breeding boy who suited her well and he bred her immediately BUT no kits were produced. To date, she still hasn't given me anything from him.

Lucky for me, I breed in runs, and I simply put this male in a 4-hole setup so I could keep him with her and let him get the job done with three other girls, but I'm half tempted just to put her back in with her former male (who is retired in a Ferret Nation) and say to heck with it. It's really frustrating.
Some do and some don't, there just are not any sure fire methods. I have some I have moved to several different males over a period of years some do produce and others still nothing after several years and many mates. Then you sell them as non-producers and sure as **** they will breed for them. Have not figured it out here yet.
I have had a little luck with two (1 male and 1 female) by switching from pet cage to run or vice versa... Had a male who wouldn't produce in a run, put him in a pet cage and it worked...opposite was true for the female...she was in a pet cage previously...put her in a run and got 2 little girls...
If the female has produced and the male hasn't I would suspect it's him. I would repair them with other mates. I've had females that would only produce with certain males. Despite our attempts for selected breeding... sometimes the chins do have their say! LOL