Questions about chins!

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Oct 6, 2014
Cleveland, UK
Hi guys!
Im new to this forum but I am hopefully getting my first chin next month. I have done research but I still have a few questions.
1)I live in the UK but do not have air conditioning. Do I need to get it or not as England is rarely ever warm?
2) I would prefer to buy only one chin. Is that ok?
3) Approximately, what is the minimum size for a cage?
4) I used to own gerbils and I was told that new gerbil owners should buy males instead of females as females were more temperamental, same with when I started loaning horses. Does the same apply for chins?
5)This isn't really important but would nelly be a good name for a female chin and whats a good name for a male? Lol
Thanks :)
1) not really. With lots of fresh air and chin chillers we made it somehow.
2) yes, but you must cere more for it and spend more time with the chin
3) 1*1 m at least (or look up ferret nation sizes)
4 ) I have both and both are perfect. It depends on the character of the chin and how much the breeder payed attention to the chin when it was a baby
5) Nelly is cute :)
Thank you! I'm looking into two breeders near me (only ones near me I can find) and one only breeds ebonies and the others do tans and ebonies. They seem to treat the Chins well though :)
Hi there! Welcome!

  1. Air conditioning is absolutely a necessity. My four get uncomfortable at 21C, so I keep their room at around 19C year round. All a fan (or a window) will do is blow the hot air around. Chinchillers are useful, and my guys love them, but they're a temporary solution, not a permanent one. Chinchillas can't sweat and don't do well in humidity either, so if it's humid in your area, you may need a dehumidifier as well. Keep in mind that they're native to incredibly dry regions at high altitudes in the Andes mountains. The goal is to mimic that climate... very cool and very dry.

  2. Chins are perfectly fine alone. Some even prefer it. The more time you spend with them, the more social they become. Just keep in mind that most chins aren't cuddly. They'd generally prefer to jump on you and treat you like a jungle gym rather than be snuggled or restrained in any way.

  3. Ferret Nation cages are awesome. If those aren't available, go with higher rather than wider. They love to go to the highest point. Just make sure that you have plenty of ledges and shelving so that they can't fall and hurt themselves. Also, steer clear of anything with a wire bottom. Shavings or fleece is best for their feet.

  4. I have both sexes. Temperaments vary by chin, not by sex. Females are notorious for spraying. Males need monthly hair ring checks. It's just a matter of which one you want to deal with.

  5. Nelly works. They're incredibly smart little creatures, so whatever you call him/her will be learned quickly.

If you haven't already, I'd definitely recommend using the search feature at the top to look up anything else you can think of. This site is quite the resource! I hope that helps a bit to get you started!

Best of luck! :))
Thanks guys for the replies! England is never sunny/warm tbh Airyn which is why we do not have an air conditioning. If the temperature does start to go up though in the summer I will look into it. I will have ChinChillers aswell. ;)