Potty training?

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Active member
Feb 15, 2009
I have two very sweet rescue boys a beige male named terrace and a beautiful version of standard grey male named chewie. Does anyone know how to potty train a chinchilla? Terrace caught on fast but its really hard to keep them clean if chewie is in a solid floored cage and pees everywhere. I should have the one I built ready tomorrow and wanted to know how I could potty train him so I dont have to deal with the stress when my ap classes start soon. I would have thought he would pee where terrace did to overmark his scent or something at the very least but he only pees there sometimes.
Potty training chins doesn't always work out. Some will figure out a litter box right off, while some won't. They might be able to figure it out in time but theres not guarantee they will. My oldest boy is about 9 and he's never used a litter box, no matter what I try he won't use one. He thinks it more of a toy.

I'm not really sure how to get them to use it.

If your boys aren't caged together and one isn't using it. Have you tried using dirty shavings in the litter pan so he gets an idea of what its for?
It is really hit or miss if they will use a litter pan. We have 2 boys who do... and 2 who would just pee anywhere they felt like it (so they have full pans). We just found the corner that they liked to pee in the most and put the litter pan in that corner... now they go in the litter. They do have a few accidents now and then but overall they are good. I know that some people take soaked bedding and put it in the litter pan to get the chin to use it. Good luck!
What do you guys use as litter pans? I'm thinking about litter training our chin but I don't know what to use. I've seen ones for sale for bunnies but they're all plastic and that won't do.
I have three litter pans 2 small and one large I have tried the dirty litter thing but I may give it another go in this new cage otherwise I will just use fleece and mattress pad that has been sewed together bedding (because it is reuseable and I go through half full grocery bags of careful litter a day)
What do you guys use as litter pans? I'm thinking about litter training our chin but I don't know what to use. I've seen ones for sale for bunnies but they're all plastic and that won't do.

I use glass baking dishes
I have three litter pans 2 small and one large I have tried the dirty litter thing but I may give it another go in this new cage otherwise I will just use fleece and mattress pad that has been sewed together bedding (because it is reuseable and I go through half full grocery bags of careful litter a day)

Do you clean cages everyday?
I have some chins that are very neat and will pee in a tray every time and others that no matter what you do can never be litter trained. It goes with the territory of having chins.
I started leaving paper towels down in Bryson's cage to find where his "hot spots" are. Found that he peed in the exact spot for a whole month, so I thought surely this was his place. I put a shallow metal pan down with some bedding inside, and the little Brat decided he wasn't going to pee in that place anymore. Sigh, Guess it's back to full bedding.
When I first moved my boys to bottom part of FN, I bought them a ferret litter pan with wire floor, they started to use it right away. But the problem was, their old cage has wire bottom, so one of my boys will start to sleep in the litter pan from time to time, while one other had to pee on the fleece liner..so now I put marble tiles to cover most of the fleece liner, and their new hidey house has a cut out window right next to the litter pan so they can get to it faster. It works most of the time, and even when "accidents" happened I just wipe it off the tiles instead of changing liner that often. As for my girls, mom and kit stayed in a rabbit cage I made it baby safe(after one day old Totoro had her great escape..), it has solid bottom and I filled it with bedding, after I found their most favorite corner to use, I put a metal 8x10 baking dish there with bedding, and they were well behaved. After they moved in upstairs of FN, I moved the litter pan with them and did the same thing for them as for my boys, marble tiles and hidey house with cut out window, it worked real well so far.
I clean the cages anywhere from 1 to 3 times every day which just gets kind of annoying since I have been doing this for about 8 months now I love them and I am willing to work hard but this doesnt make either of them happy because pee sometimes gets on their fur so they also have to be cleaned everytime I want to hold them
Sorry I forgot to add there isnt really a favorite corner of chewies he just pees anywhere which confuses me because I am pretty sure my other larger chinchilla is the boss lol
Sorry to get back late had an emergency with the chins recently well two actually... anyway yes I clean them constantly but it doesnt matter to him.

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