potty training and treats

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Sep 12, 2012
How do I potty train my chins? and what kinds of treats should I feed them? A lot of sites are very unclear about these things! Thank you in advance.
Potty training: Use either medal pan or a large glass bowl (pyrex is often used). Put new litter on it and put their used litter on top of that. Put it in the courner that you normally notice where the chin pees. Now you wait ;) Litter training of course would only train them to pee in that spot, as for poo um yeah won't happen.

Treats: There is a list on the forum about safe treats in the FAQ.
Potty training: Use either medal pan or a large glass bowl (pyrex is often used). Put new litter on it and put their used litter on top of that. Put it in the courner that you normally notice where the chin pees. Now you wait ;) Litter training of course would only train them to pee in that spot, as for poo um yeah won't happen.

Treats: There is a list on the forum about safe treats in the FAQ.

Thank you!

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