possible premature kit

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New member
Jun 14, 2011
When I came home today I found that my chinnie had her baby. I thought something seemed a little bit off so I picked up the kit and found that her eyes weren't open yet and that she was pretty unsteady on her feet... her muscles don't seem quite right in her legs just yet. I am thinking she may be a little bit premature. Mom is keeping her warm and cleaned her up, but I can't tell if she is drinking or not. I tried to feel mom's underside but didn't feel any nipples. I see the baby looking like she is searching for them, putting her nose in mom's side and such, but I don't think she is finding any. Could it be that mom isn't producing milk yet? Or can I just not tell that she is drinking.

So far I was able to get a little warm water by her eyes and her eye lids aren't stuck together or anything - she just isn't totally opening them yet. I'm not too worried about that. I'm mostly concerned as to whether or not she is drinking. Other things I have read online say to weigh her and be sure she is gaining weight, but I'm not sure how long she can really go without eating.
If she's premature, not long. I would read the FAQ regarding hand feeding of kits and lay in supplies. If you see or feel no nipples, mom can't feed her.

Also, you do need to be concerned about her eyes staying shut. You need to keep gently (very gently) working at trying to get them open. If she's fully furred, her eyes should be able to be opened. The longer they stay shut, the greater the chance for infection. Use a warm cotton ball or a Q-tip dipped in warm water and gently continue to brush over the eyelids, then VERY gently try opening the lids with your finger tips.
Nipples on a chinchilla are more on the chinchilla's sides than other animals. Try looking in line with her armpits. It is possible that her milk has not come in yet. This is perfectly normal. As Tunes, said, read and prepare in case her milk never comes in. Weighing is a good idea. The kit will probably lose weight for the first day or two. After that, it should start gaining weight. If it does not, then you need to step in and hand feed the kit.
It would help to have a weight on the kit...was there only one? Also, you should be able easily see nipples by blowing into the fur under the arms (hold above your head by the base of the tail...). it is typical that it takes a day for mom to get milk in, however you absolutely need a weight on the kit to know if she/he is gaining and whether or not to start handfeeding. do you have a kitchen scale? you can find digital ones at walmart.