Possible Pregnant Spiny Mouse?

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2011
Sussex, WI
I really wish I could find a spiny mouse forum or talk to someone that knows more about them! I've been asking this question to everyone I know, and a lot of people here breed chins, so I thought I should ask.

Less than a week ago, I adopted two female spiny mice. They were being rehomed through Craigslist. That night, I noticed one was bulging quite a bit on one side. Here's what the bulge looks like. It isn't always on the same side and changes location quite a bit.

Then last night, I took this video. I swear I can see movement in her belly. (Not the breathing movement, but it's more of a ripple movement at about 7 and 25 seconds in). Spiny mice breath a little hard normally, but she seemed to be breathing even harder than usual.

She's eating and pooping fine. She's active and alert at the moment. If you had to guess, would you say she's pregnant? Can you think of anything else that would cause something like this?

I don't want to stress her out even more by taking her to the vet if she's pregnant. But at the same time, if it's not pregnancy, I don't want to risk her health by NOT taking her to the vet. So I'm not quite sure what to do at this point. If she IS pregnant, not stressing her out is what's best for the babies. I'm so confused.
First I will say I do not know much about them, but from your video, it does seem like there is movement in her stomach. She is well rounded.
Is this a position she has been taken in the last days? Is she drinking more water? IF so I would think she is.
I haven't even had her for a week yet, but she's been sitting and breathing like that for the last few days. Spiny mice don't drink much water because they're from the desert, but she's eating quite a bit. But it also didn't seem like they were fed very well before they came here. They scarfed their food down like they hadn't eaten in days.
Maybe you can give your vet a call and describe the situation and see what they say.

If tomorrow morning you do not have babies, I would call them and see what they say.
They'll just tell me to bring her in. But I'm really hesitant to do that because she's stressed enough being in a new home, and I'm worried a vet visit could stress her to the point of harming the babies.
I am looking to see if I can get info on the net...

Did the person tell you if she was with males. If so, it says that the gestation period is between 30 - 42. So if they where with males for a while, that sure can be the possibility.
The person said they were never with any males. She said she's had them for 3-4 months and hasn't had any other spiny mice in that time. But first she said she had them for 5-6 months, so her story is already changing.

It's nearly impossible to find pictures or videos of what a pregnant spiny mouse looks like to compare.
Okay, well the odds are she is not pregnant. Therefore I would see the vet. even if it would stress her. At least it is giving her a chance if she has something going on with her.

Fingers crossed that all is well with her.
I don't think I trust the person I got them from, really. You have to have a USDA breeder's license to breed more than 2 female spiny mice at a time, so they might've needed to get rid of some breeders if they knew someone was coming to check on them.
I'm wondering if they really are indeed two females? How knowledgeable is the person who rehomed them to you?
Not very. But I sexed them myself, and they're both females.

I have male spiny mice, and it's fairly easy to tell the difference if you know what you're looking for. The same as chins, really.
Still no babies as of this morning. I'll be calling my vet later to see what she says.
Are you certain they are both females? I know with very small rodents it can be hard to sex them properly. I would try calling a breeder and see about getting information. If she is prego and you've had her a week then she would have to be due within days of now. Good luck!
I'm 99.9999% positive they are both female. As with chins, guinea pigs, gerbils, etc. you can tell the sex by the spacing, not to mention that spiny mice males have testicles that are retractable, but still noticeable. I have males, as well.

Unfortunately, I don't know any breeders anywhere in my area since spiny mice are so rare. I did contact a breeder through a spiny mouse facebook group, and he thinks she could be pregnant, as well.

Their gestation period is about 38 days, so it could still be another week or more before she has them (hopefully less since I'm seeing movement).
This might help a bit. This photo shows both one of my males and the female in question. The male (top) is a bit overweight and almost twice the size of the female, but his stomach still goes inwards. The female (bottom) has a bulging stomach even though she is quite small. Hope this comparison helps!

What else could it be? As long as she if comfortable and seems healthy and happy I would not take her to a vet. I don't know about you, but if she was mine and did have a tumor or something I couldn't spend hundreds on surgery, but would have her pts when she was not feeling well. So anyway I would just wait and see. I think she is pregnant myself
Ps they are so cute!
She looks comfortable, but a bit stressed from being in a new place. That's why I would worry that a vet visit would be bad for her and the possible babies.

I've never had a pregnant animal before, so I'm really flying blind and I have no idea how to tell if she's truly pregnant or not.

I was trying to feel if there's a difference between the way her stomach feels and the way the other female's feels. I can definitely feel a difference. At first, I thought I might just be feeling ribs or bones, but upon feeling the other mouse's stomach, I didn't feel anything hard like that. Could I have been feeling a little leg or tail in there?