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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
I've seen it mentioned several times, but I searched and didn't find any good answers, what is it?
It's where they hop from all fours (sorta) and is usually an indication they're happy. Baby chins do it a lot, few of my adult chins do. Youtube has some videos you can watch of popcorning in action.
Some of them even give a little wiggle at the top of the jump. It is really funny to watch. They literally bounce all over the cage like popping popcorn.
The video of Handbag popcorning cracks me up everytime! I wish mine would popcorn like crazy, HB style!
Ha! I thought popcorning referred to the crazy hopping that one of my chins does when she is let out for playtime, but I wasn't sure until I saw the video. She does it about 5 or 6 times when she if first let out. It ALWAYS makes me laugh!