"Poopy Boots"

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Every night when Chloe gets on her wheel she uses the bathroom on the wheel and gets "poopy boots" is there any way to prevent this maybe? and when she is on her wheel i dont like to bother her i let her play. and when i get her out its all stuck to her feet and i dont want it to hurt her little toes when i pull it off.
Unscented baby wipes are good for small clean ups too. Luckily or unluckily for me, Phoebe removes her own poop boots every night. :yuck:
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could you use the sented one's? just wondering because you said "unsented". would the sented hurt them or something.
Scents can hurt them, or even kill them if it is the right one. So better safe than sorry and stick with unscented since they are sensitive to smells.
Every night when Chloe gets on her wheel she uses the bathroom on the wheel and gets "poopy boots" is there any way to prevent this maybe? and when she is on her wheel i dont like to bother her i let her play. and when i get her out its all stuck to her feet and i dont want it to hurt her little toes when i pull it off.

Sorry but i just have tooo..


You can hope and pray that little Chloe will decide to give herself a bath. One of mine has reverted to this tactic as a last ditch effort to avoid being dumped in the big sink. A few mornings ago, she was just disgusting... her belly fur and feet were covered in pee and poop from a night of running. I didn't have time in the morning, so I figured I'd bath her in the evening after work. I got home, and she was clean. It's like she knew what I was planning to do to her.
Ok, I'm sorry I don't have anything to help because I don't own a hedgie but I think that they are adorable and sometimes wish I could have one, but when I hear these stories about poopy boots, I just gotta gag a little and laugh a bit. I know chins have all of their flying poop issues as well but at least there mostly dry. :))
chloe is lazy haha. i finally got her to let me do her nails last night she was NOT happy about it tho
Play with her feet on a regular basis. It will help her get used to having her feet touched and should help with future nail trimming.
She liked to roll into a ball and then stare at me like "Haha you cant get my toes noww"
Hahaha! Poopy boots stink. Literally! Good idea with the baby wipes, I'll have to give that a try!