Please I need advise with my new chin.

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I really would appreciate the best way to get my chin out of his cage for the first time. Ive had him for 2weeks now and he is a very sweet guy, he was born on Jan 19th of this year. I know you have to go very slow with these guys and I really don`t want to undo what Ive gained so far with him. I can pet and scratch his chin, he takes food from my hand or finger. What I`m just not sure of is how do I take him out for the first time. I`m kind of scared to grab him and take him out. I did try to get him into his dust house and I took him out for the first time, I had a exercise pen with me in the middle. He came out and didn`t like that at all and was trying to find his way back to his cage. That didn`t go well and he didn`t forget the next day when I put his dust house back in he didn`t want to go back into it, so he didn`t forget the experience. Should I open his cage door and wait for him to come out on his own? Would love some advise as what should I do?:wink2:
I let my chins come out on their own- whether they're new or I've had them for a long time. I just open the cage door and put a box right by it so they can jump down onto the box and into the room for playtime.
I agree- I let the chins come out at their own leisure. It may take a while but it is more comfortable for them then you trying to grab them. Good luck!!
yup- let him come out on his own. It'll take a while but it's well worth it at the end. You may want to set up the playpen around the cage and then put something that can allow them to climb down without getting hurt. Pretty soon, your baby will be jumping all over you! Good luck! =)(\
Yup, before I read the other answers I had the same thing in mind.. Open the door and let him come out on his own.. Is it possible to put the fencing thing you got kind of around the cage so he can come out, but still be fenced in and then he can go back in his cage if he wants too, and slowing get used to being fenced in.. And if you can, like you did, just sit there and eventually he'll start to jump on and off you.. And continue to go slow with him.. Never chase him to put him back in his cage... Let him just go back in himself..

Sounds like you are doing great.

Yay congrats on getting a new chin. You will have to get used to holding him at some point, because you will need to do hair ring checks since it is a boy, but for now as he is adjusting to being new, I would use the method above.

I have one chin that is a bear to get out of his cage, and hated playtime due to that fact, so we made it so he can come in and out and has a large area to play. I bought 2 of the pet playpen things, and hooked them together and put the edgeds up to his cage, and put a box there, like suggested above, and just sit in there with him, and he loves it now.
Just want to let you all know, my baby tootie jumped out of his cage on to my lap today for the first time I about fell over. Today I fixed him a mixture of oats and crushed rosehips and he went nuts over it, he ate out of my hand. Iv`e really been stressing over how to get him out of his cage without scaring him to death. He had a ball running around and I did have to finally trick him into his dust house to get him back. As soon as I can I will post picture of him , he is a black velvet.
great for you! my chin is weird, he likes to be chased he has made it into a game. he will come to my hand then run over and over until I chase him.
My chin is also new. I let him hop on my hand and run up my arm. Let him take things at his pace and let him come out when he wanted to. Now he runs up my arm onto my shoulder and I can just carry him whereever I want him to be.

I used to practice lifting him up (still in his cage) once he had hopped on my hand so he didn't get a fright when I moved him.

Now I have difficulty keeping him in his cage! lol He bounds up the second i open the door and clambers all over me! lol