Please help tofu is bleeding.

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
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Polysporin is an anti-bacterial product. It can be used after a wound has been cleaned. It helps prevent and/or cure infection. I have used it on areas chins can lick with no problem. I prefer to use Blu-Kote but will use polysporin when I can't.

Glad to hear he is doing better.

Thank you Cathy

What about the part you mention "as long as it dosen't have pain killer". I understand it's because they may lick it and cause a reaction, or is there some other reason?

Happy for your little one Burrito.:)
Figured I would post here as I have a similar situation. No bone showing (at least from what I can see), but the tip of her toe is actually bitten off it seems and is dangling from her toe.

I am about to go out for Blu-Kote (I am hoping this can be found at a local drugstore) and I will separate her from her cagemate (unless this will stress her too much, advice here would be appreciated) and I will line her cage with paper towels to keep the wound clean. It seems to have slowed bleeding and it was just the tippy tip of the toe like where the nail would be.

Will this heal like other toe wounds and will the tip maybe scab back together? I mean I know so long as no bones are broken with a human and you cut a large bit of skin it heals over time...I would imagine our tissue matter is similar.

Any thoughts would be helpful.

i have a few chins with missing toes. it happens. i dont think you can get blu kote from the drug store though, i think you would probably need to go to a feed store.

do a search on this using the search function above, because i recall there is something else you can put on it to stop the bleeding, i am thinking cornstartch but not 100% sure.
Blu Kote can be found in a feed store, tractor supply, farm store etc.

There is a similar product that is an off brand. It's in a blue can, instead of the yellow can blu kote comes in. Works the same and is just as good. I've used it on the horses when TS was out of blu kote.

*edit to add: other brand is called Farnam Wound-Kote Blue
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Thanks guys! Do you think it is necessary to separate her and her cagemate? The cagemate isn't bothering the wound. Outside of her limping neither are touching the wound which I suppose is a good sign. It has stopped bleeding as well. I put down clean paper towels on the floor of her cage and will be out tomorrow early for the blu kote or farmam kote blue. The toe is a little red and very slightly puffy which I would expect as all wounds puff a little when they are fresh.
did her and her cagemate fight or was her toe injured in another way or did she bite it herself? if they were fighting and blood was drawn, personally i would separate.

i am too nervous to keep chins that display agression towards one another together. i would hate for them to fight during the night and come down to a severly injured or worse chin. the two chins i tried to pair now live next to eachother and the two chins tht were paired but fought, were also separated and now live next to each other in separate FN's. they seem happier.
No it wasn't her cagemate. It was actually my girl that I was hoping to bond them with. They weren't out together or anything but Misha (the one with the bitten toe) escaped my watch and for some bizarre reason decided to climb Tonks cage. I immediately grabbed her but Tonks was slightly faster and got her toe before I could fully pull her away.
nah, i would leave her with her buddy then. no need to upset her further.

if you get the blu kote, be will stain anything it touches including your chinnie.
for those interested in regards to blu kote. I got some on my skin and tried rubbing alcohol to remove it. It worked.
Blu-kote is on. She's favoring the paw but she is still using it to eat and she does tenderly place it on the floor. I imagine it must hurt but neither her nor her cagemate are bothering it. It's just a little red where the scab is, no puffiness or pus.

Thanks for the alcohol suggestion! In really bad areas it only faded it but everywhere else it erased it :)