Pine bedding

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
Hey guys, so i used aspen wood shaving bedding last time but today my dad went and baught pine bedding and theres a mix of answers saying to use it or not, so is it okay to use this one time? For about few months until its finished? I cannot upload a picture because im writing from my phone but please google Living world pine bedding to see how it looks it says 100% natural and for small animals and looks like aspen sawdust. Thanks

Edit: in google images its the one with the green and yellow packaging and the pic of the rabbit and hamster.
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Hi. Pine shavings are fine. Aspen is a type of pine, I believe there is less dust with aspen. As long as their is no cedar in the shavings there isn't a problem using them.
Okay thank you for the quick reply thats helped alot, but just to confirm can you please look in google images because i dont really know what sawdust with cedar looks like, thanks again.
If there was cedar it would be noted on the package. I have only seen cedar in its own packaging and pine as well. I've never seen one mixed (that doesn't mean there isn't a mix out there). But yours looks fine.
I know of 2 chins who's eye's water when using pine bedding. For my girl I just use hay for bedding, I can't remember what my friend uses but we have no eye problems now.
Okaay thanks, I'll keep a close eye on my chins eye lol :/ anyways his eyes only water abit after a dust bath.
Does the package say that the pine is "kiln-dried"? If it doesn't say it's kiln-dried, I would not use it. I believe the kiln-drying process removes some of the aromatic oils in the pine that be irritating to the respiratory systems of animals. I've used kiln-dried pine shavings in the past for my chinnies with no problems (I use fleece liners now).
I've used pine bedding for 9 years now with no issues.

Shayna, not all packages say "kiln dried" on it. Some will just say "dried" and others don't say it at all. Most bundles of pine shavings that are sold for small animals (and I believe horses as well) are kiln dried.
I've used pine bedding for 9 years now with no issues.

Shayna, not all packages say "kiln dried" on it. Some will just say "dried" and others don't say it at all. Most bundles of pine shavings that are sold for small animals (and I believe horses as well) are kiln dried.

Interesting! Now I'm kicking myself for searching high and low for packages that said "kiln-dried" on it, haha! (I think the ones at the major pet stores do, but I refuse to shop there unless absolutely necessary)
Hi. Pine shavings are fine. Aspen is a type of pine, I believe there is less dust with aspen. As long as their is no cedar in the shavings there isn't a problem using them.

Just to set the record straight, aspen is not a type of pine. It isn't even an evergreen.
Thanks for the correction Cuddlebug. I thought aspen was a type of pine. Now I know better. Jeanne
I've been using pine shavings for 6 hrs now and never had a problem, I didn't really like Aspen when I tried it, it didn't seem as absorbent as pine.
The package of my bedding doesn't say kiln dried either, I use a brand called nepco, dunno if u've heard of it, but yea, their website said they were kiln dried. So maybe u could look it up.
No problem, Tulula. I forgot to add that I use the aspen myself. I like it because it doesn't have all the fine pieces that the pine has so it doesn't get scattered about as much.
I've used pine for about 9 years now and had no problems. It's a safe bedding and like Peggy said, if it's made to be animal bedding it is usually kiln dried. You can google the company that makes the bedding and they usually have a spot where they talk about their bedding, what all is in it and if they kiln dry it or not.