over asked question (sorrryy;;)

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Oct 11, 2012
Well, I'm in a pickle...i have 2 chins( Luka and Hook) now for almost 2 months. they're both in a FN separated. I've tried introducing them in an area they've never been in,but one just roams the whole area while my other one Hook (who is alot smaller and missing a front paw) hides behind my brother. I dont have another cage to do the "side by side" method and I tried looking for a cat carrier to clean to put in the FN with Luka inside, but its way to big...

I'm considering cutting Luka's whiskers and seeing how it goes :/

my other option is cleaning the entire cage and putting them both on just one level or the box method. How small/big does the box have to be?

( I cant get a second FN, CN untill i've tried everything sadly...since my BF says I dont need it :hair: )
So you could try swapping their levels - let hook live in luka's cage and vice versa for a while to get used to smells and swap them a time or two. You could try the car ride method - you could put them both in the carrier and ride them around for a good while (think an hour or so) - this usually works because they are both so confused they dont pay attention to each other. Of course keep an eye on them for any fighting so may be helpful to sit in the back and have someone else drive :) You could also purchase a show cage (pictured in my avatar) from a bigger breeder and try that for cage within a cage - they aren't too expensive.

good luck!
I found our dogs old carrier;should work. I was wondering will cleaning it with just white vinegar be good enough?