orange poops?

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
Pottstown, PA
So I just looked in Ruby's cage and saw some orange colored poops..her previous owner was feeding her this junk:

I thought it would be better to completely switch her over to Mazuri immediately instead of doing the slow transition. When we first brought her home yesterday, her poops looked normal to me (dark brown) and now I'm kind of freaked out to see orange colored this okay? Should I be worried??
Yes she's acting normal. =) She was a bit shy yesterday but I feel like she's getting used to the new environment and opening up so she's eating more of her Mazuri and pooping more. Is it from the carrots in the old feed??
Yes, probably. I looked at the feed and carrots are close to the beginning of the list. I got scared the first time I saw orange poop too lol
It could just be that that chunk was not digested as well and so came out more or less whole.
I would do a cold switch from that food to mazuri or oxbow.