On Baby watch!!

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Now that's a big tummy..
Hope everything goes well if she is. [=
To clarify :) I said "if" because I did not read any of the OP's previous posts regarding said chinny and I've got females that big not pregnant!

SO, she sure is a puddle of a chin...but do get her into a kit safe cage (no spacing larger than 1"x1/2", no high shelves etc..) if that be the case!
She is definately preggers..she is being moved to her babysafe cage tonight..I am expecting her to deliver any day now...she has gained a wopping 242 grams so far...
id deffenitly be expecting some little ones'.
And i can tell u three times over... FN... not the best cage for babies lol.
That is one big chin tho.. wow!
Just so everyone knows..My prego chin was moved to her babysafe cage..I just waited to move her till she got close to her due date..and an update still no kits yet..hopefully soon..
Frisque - I warned you once about having your kid post on your account. Since no adult that I can think of would ever post in such a horrible manner, I assume your daughter is on here again. This is your last warning. Keep her off your account or your account will be banned. Since you obviously need help with your chins, that would be a shame, but these ridiculous posts that are as clear as mud need to stop.