Old Enough for Big Cage?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Hello Everyone,
So my question is basically this, when is a chin old enough to be upgraded to a large cage. I currently have my chin in a smaller cage (but still acceptable) because she is still under 6 months old. I purchased a chinchilla mansion from quality cages (yes, for a single chin. I wanted to spoil her a little) and I am worried that she is still too young for it?

I feel like I read in a post somewhere that it isn't smart to put young chins in big cages because they're still little and clumsy and could hurt themselves. Her getting hurt is my primary concern and I would hate it if I jumped the gun. Also, I forgot to alter the cage spacing to 1/2 x 1 so the one I have is 1x1. How old does a chin need to be before they can safely live in a larger cage with larger spacing? I know that a lot of people feel 6 months is the age for wheels and play time and since she will be 6 months in a few weeks, it has got me thinking about the cage.

If anyone can help me out I'd really appreciate it. I just don't want to put her in anything she isn't ready for, but I don't want to be holding her back from all the fun of having more room. Thank You :)
I would put her in the big cage, but you will need smaller bar spacing. My adult normal sized boys have the ability to get out of a parrot cage with 1-1/2 spacing. And you need a couple of wall to wall hammocks that will keep her from falling more than a couple of feet. Mine just stand on a properly placed shelf and since fleece is stretchy they just squeeze up or down easily.
I've read a little about baby-proofing cages so I understand that I need to get hardware cloth (?) and apply it. But I'm just curious, if she is unable to escape from her carrier cage (1x1) is that any indication of whether she'd be able to escape from her large cage? Or are the 2 completely irrelevant? Just curious. She's around 407 grams and getting pretty big.

Also, thank you for the advice! I'll start planning/buying for the larger cage! :)
I ram I custom made a cage with 1.5" wired spacings, my boys were weighing in the 500s then, I woke up one morning to find Gumby poking his nose thru the bars eagerly, I thought, hey! How sweet, he's so happy to see me, only to find that his nose poking was his way of telling me that Elmo was outside and he couldn't get out. It was really a funny sight, Elmo was sitting on our sofa and looking at me.
Lucky nothing bad happened to him, but I had to rush out and get chicken wire to wrap around their cage until their new cage arrived.
What is the spacing in the new cage? Post some pics of the new cage before you put her in it and we can tell if it's safe and ready for her.
I have some cages by Quality Cages that are 1' x1". My weanlings cannot get out of them and they are in the neighborhood of 250 - 300 grams.
I agree with those who said to go ahead and upgrade the cage. My girls have been in the top level of a Ferret Nation cage since 8 weeks with ledges close together. They had no issues even when I first got them with falling. I took the hardware cloth off around the 3 and a half to 4 month mark when they both got in the 400 gram range and had no issues at all. My little guy I had before was in the FN from about 8 months and he was only about 470 grams when I got him. He never managed an escape either. I think it depends how wide it is. 1.5 inches is a lot different then 1 inch wide. I don't see even a 300 gram chin getting through a 1 inch by 1 inch hole. A new kit, sure, but not a weaned one. I'd keep the ledges fairly close together to give your chin time to adapt. Plus, there's never really an issue with too many ledges. My girls got their wheel at 7 months and did wonderful with it from day one. I honestly think I could have given it to them at 4 or 5 months without issue but I was worried about weight gain. My girls are very sure on their feet and not clutzy like me at all.