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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
During mid-winter last year I found a lump in my breast and went in to the doctors multiple times and they concluded that it wasn't cancerous, but if it ever were to show up again that I should come in immediately.

Tonight I was doing my weekly rub down to make sure everything is the way it's suppose to be and I found the lump again, except this time it's slightly bigger.

Cancer runs through my family, not to mention my already multitude of medical problems, I spent over half of my Junior year last year in the hospital.

The only thing that is really keeping me together right now are Freddy and Rex who are snuggling with me.

My thoughts and prayers are sent your way. I'm on my 3rd mammogram in 1 year, as the doctors are watching a cystic lump in my right breast. It's scary, but as long as you keep on top of your health, you are doing great. It's catching something when it's small vs. big that makes all the difference. Good luck and please keep us posted.
I went to the doctors and I'm fibrocytistic, but they're going to keep an eye on a few cysts, they say just because my chances of breast cancer are so high. But who knows if they told my mom differently. Thanks for all the posts, I appreciate it.
Christin I'm curious to see why they say your chances for breast cancer are so high? I had a sister who died from triple negative breast cancer in July and a grandmother who died of ovarian cancer so I know only too well the horrors of cancer and it's effects on a family. I know you are a young woman and I'm pleased to see you are staying on top of this by self checks. I've recently had the BRCA test to determine whether I carry the same mutation my sister did for breast and ovarian cancer.
It runs in the family, both my grandmothers had it, along with various aunts and cousins. My mother also had ovarian cancer. Although my grandfathers didn't have breast cncer they both have lung cancer. I have a cancerous family which is why they have high concerns of it passing on to me since it comes from both sides of the family. And because I've already had so many other illnesses.
Well at least you know if you do have anything, you'll have caught it early which can make all the difference. I'm hoping for the best for you.

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