Oh my. New little guy is an escaper!

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2012
Brick, NJ
Yesterday we adopted a 10ish month old chin from a member here who couldn't keep him. He spent the night hanging out on a full length shelf I made for him, and I thought, wow, he's nice and quiet. I gave him some scritches and he ate it all up, and I thought, wow, he's so affectionate! My girls still only want scritches on their terms, but this little guy will let you scritches him forever. Today, I put both hands in the cage and cupped them, and he climbed right in. I'm thinking, ok, he's the perfect chinchilla.

Then I went to vacuum his poos. I was cautious. I opened one side of the FN and vacuumed then did the other side. It was all good until I was almost finished. I went to vacuum the last ledge and he saw his opening. Out he came and landed right in my lap. I caught him right away, and put him back in, but he turned right around and escaped again before I could close the door. Got him quick again, luckily, but man, was my heart racing!

I was so used to my girls just letting me vacuum around them while they slept that I just wasn't thinking he would be completely different. Needless to say, he'll be going in the carrier when I clean from now on, lol.

Now, I do have a question. I know it's best to let chins settle in before giving any playtime, but he got it in his old home and he seems perfectly ok with me already. He greeted me at the cage door and has climbed on my hands a few times. Should I try a playtime soon, or still give it more time? I did order him a wheel, which he didn't have so maybe that'll help use up some energy.
Yup some just wait for the opportunity to jump out and run around! Mine love making me look like a fool chasing them around the room while doing the chinnie shuffle
Thanks everyone! I was going to let him out, but he's finally settled and snoozing after being up all day, so I'll see what happens tomorrow. His sleep schedule right now is opposite of the girl's.