Oh crap... I think she's already got tumors.

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Mika all of a sudden has 2 small hardish bumps on her chin, under her jaw. I will call the veterinarian tomorrow, but what do you think I can expect? Here's the best picture I could get of one of them. It is brown on the top, like a mole of some sort. The other one has 2 long hairs growing from it. I hope it's not the c-word, she's just a baby...


Here are links to 2 videos I just made because taking pictures was not working.
Bumps 1

Bumps 2
One bump is normal... a little bump under the mouth/jaw with some hairs is typical hedgie feature.

I couldn't really make out a second... is it just how her skin is a little smushed when you hold her?

Oh... wait; I think I see it now... there's one off to the side? I'm not really sure what is "left" and "right" on a hedgehog, but if she was a car... we're talking front driver's side?

She sure is good at wiggling ;)
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Yeah, the second one is on the driver's side... It's brownish in color. And yeah Mika's real good a doin the wiggle lol! So hopefully it's nothing to be too alarmed about? I'll still have her checked out for some peace of mind, though. I'm turning into a vicarious hypochondriac.
Don't jump to any conclusions. It could be an ingrown hair, cyst, scab, or the beginnings of a staph infection. It's always best to get things checked but I wouldn't loose sleep over it.
Thanks guys, I'll try to get her checked out ASAP. She's eating and drinking fine and pooping... ALOT! LOL!