New Sound

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
Theodore, Alabama
Lately, my llittle guy has started making a new noise. Normally, he's pretty quiet, usually doesn't have much to say. Like I said, this has just recently started. He will make a "quiet clucking noise", a lot like a chicken makes when they are walking around. It is fairly low, and it's more like a "cluck, cluck, cluck - sometimes there is a tail flit here or there at the same time. I've never noticed it when my husband or daughter are interacting with him, just me. Sometimes he will do it when I'm trying to prevent him from escaping, but then, he has tried uh, "interacting" with my hand. Does this mean what I'm hoping it doesn't?:hmm:
The sounds you are describing with the tail fluttering means just what you hope it doesn't, lol. It means he's feeling a little frisky and is getting excited and wants some! It's normal chinchilla behavior. You can try giving him a fleece buddy so he leaves your hand alone but some chins don't care and just want your hand or slippers.
He has a fleece buddy, but he usually only uses poor little Mortimer as a dining room chair, although he has used him as a pillow on a couple of occasions. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrghhhh!! I don't know if I can take it - I just bought my daughter her first training bras Saturday(God help me, she wanted padded ones):hilarious:, and now my little boy's turning into a...a...a MAY-UN(sob) Woo hoo, let the good times roll!!:crazy:
Well, I ay-um a suthun' gal! Allright, I'm a transplant, but after this long, I have gone through a total "Bamalization":laughitup:
Sally clucks too!! She always does it seven times in a row, in the exact same pattern. She's a girl, so I'm thinking it means something different for her, and it's not accompanied by any tail swishing or anything like that. I always figure she's just trying to communicate with me, so I cluck right back at her. :p
I'm glad someone posted that sound link b/c I was going to check it out today b/c my bad boy Buster was making a new sound last night while he was playing with one of his hanging toys in his cage. He'd already been out and about and dusted and had his supplement/treat and he seemed really content and kept making this chirping sound that actually sounded really nice; not like his usual grumbles and kacks and squawks like he usually makes.

Checked out all those sounds on that site and I think the closest that it sounded like was the 'decoy' one. I think my grumpy boy might finally be coming around and actually chillin' finally. :dance3:
and now my little boy's turning into a...a...a MAY-UN(sob) Woo hoo, let the good times roll!!:crazy:

I just had to clean up my computer. That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. :hilarious: