New Hedgehog yesterday!!

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New member
Oct 16, 2011
I am the proud new owner of a wonderful hedgehog.
I bought him yesterday from his previous owners who no longer had the time to care for the little guy. He is two years old and seemed to be very well taken care of by the previous owners, very nice and social when I went to look/pick him up.
But as soon as I got home he hid in his sleeping pouch all day, and whenever I went near him he started huffing. I took him (in his sleeping pouch) and sat with him while watching tv, just so he could get used to my scent, after a while he got curious and started climbing out of his pouch and on me, but soon went back to his pouch and huffing whenever anything moved. Is this normal? He just seems overly timid and nervous all the time and I have been pricked numerous times.
Sorry, I am very new to owning a hedgehog.

Also, from what I have seen he has only peed and has not pooped yet, but I could possibly be missing something. Should I be worried?
Thanks guys!
This site has taught me so much for the short time I have been on here!
Hello ericanoddin :) Congratulations on your new hedgehog, they are such a special pet, but not for everyone.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal they sleep during the day & are up all night. Some do wake during the day to be have some food but as a general rule let them sleep or they become more huffy.

Take your time introducing yourself to him, its all a new environment and new smells he is on major sense over load at the moment. You both have to get used to each other & patience is the key, these things cannot be rushed. He will get stressed & can become ill. You also could be bitten.

Alot of them can be timid, each time i go to my girls cage she huffs at me, but then she sniffs & walks towards me. This has taken a lot of hard work & patience.

I would get him used to your voice; loud noises do startle them so go in softly as possible. You don’t have to change your tone just loudness. Make it a habit of when your near just talk to him, let him get used to your voice.

You will be pricked by the spines this is normal, it will leave a tingling sensation but it soon goes away.

He will pee but i would not worry yet about the poop just yet, he has to settle & eat relax etc. He will go eventually. If after a few days or more you could always call your vet for advice. Some vets do not have a clue about these wonderful pets so you may have to ring around to find one that suits your needs & that of your hedgehog.

I hope i helped you in someway :)

Enjoy your new friend, take care
Thanks! Yeah, he is starting to warm up to me now, but still gets huffy when I try to pick him out of his cage without the sleeping pouch. He is using the bathroom regularly and seems very content with his home.
I think he will be fine within the week :)
Congratulations on the new hedgehog. Yes they can take a while to warm up to you. Spend lots of time with him, be patient, and respect him. If he doesn't like something, stop and back off for a while. These little ones will learn to trust, but they won't rush into it!