New hedge plus dandruff? Help please

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New member
Jun 9, 2011
Ao i finally got my new hedge shes female got her at a pet store and shes grumpy hisses at me or whatever it is but once i pick her up shes gets a little better and lets down a tiny bit but she had horrible dandruff. Itches alot like a dog does and is losing quils mayby five a day that i can see max but they all have a little tiny ball at the end of the quill also i get a red irratation on my skin when her quils rubs against i dont think im alergic and i dunno anything about mites. I neednse help please i dont want to spend a ton of money at a vet im in the army lol so i dont have much oh and i did use cat and dog flea and tick spray on her she hated it but i read to do that somewhere... Olz help thankyou for your time :)
Sadly, I think you are going to have to take her into a vet to have her checked out. If she is really itching she most likely has mites. The safest way to treat mites is with Revolution, which is only available via prescription from your vet.

But lets do a little Q&A.

Any idea how old she is? If she is very young, she may be quilling. Quilling can cause itchiness, dry skin and quill loss. Do you see any new quills poking through her skin?

I'm betting the petstore kept her on a substrate bedding. Any idea what they used? Some beddings can be very irritating to the skin. I once took in an albino that had light grey quills. She was just covered in carefresh dust and was quite filthy. A bath to wash off the substrate may help if the irritation is from that. Usually I like to wait a while before bathing a new hedgehog though, to allow them time to settle down and start to trust me.

Your reaction to her may be that her quills are dirty. However, it is not uncommon for new owners to get a little redness when they first get pricked by quills. Over time many will get used to it. However I still get a little rash if I get quilled and their quills are dirty.

One thing you can do at home to check for mites is to take a black or deep blue piece of cloth, rub her with it until you get some of those skin flakes on it. Then watch for any movement under a bright light. If the skin flakes move, she has mites and definitely needs to see a vet. If they don't move, well she could still have mites, just none fell off.

Does she have any bald spots or spots where the quill coat is quite thin? If yes, this could be a sign of a bad mite infestation. Which means a vet visit is needed as soon as possible.
Hi there Travisbrock, a vet trip is definatly in order to help her get rid of these problems. May i pls beg you not put flea repellant on her unless advised too by the vet, it can cause breathing problems ect if dont know what your doing. Like you im a new owner & have been to many a site reading & learning, but alot of them only think thats what you should do. I do hope your little spiky girl soon feels better. She is huffing or sounds like a train when she is startled or scared. Its another way of protecting herself. After awhile she will relax more & more in your hands, she will probably always huff though ;) My little girl really does sound like a train hehe. Its part of her Character which i love.

substrate can be in certain foods for example moray worms (not sure if spelt that correctly) & meal worms. They live in it & if you feed her these treats pls try & make sure she just gets the worms not the substrate. That will help with her not getting this again. These things like the wormies as i call them are only meant as a treat, i only give her maybe 4 worms once every 3 to four days, i have been advised to do so by the vet until he thinks her dietry requirments are met, she wasnt given the correct food before. Hedgehogs are prone to obesity if you let them they will eat & eat.

I have found this site to be the best for help & guidence. Wishing you loads of luck :)