New Girly

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
St. Louis
We got a new girl last weekend from a breeder in Indiana. She is a sweet little Violet girl, Daddy was a beige and mama was a violet. Her name is Nadine, and shes a sweet little thing.

She is very cute! However, I do want to point out a few things. What is that carpet looking material? I would remove it ASAP. She could (and probably will) begin chewing it and ingest the fibers. This could be very dangerous as it could lead to an impaction, which is very serious and can be deadly.

The wheel she will quickly outgrow. They are too small for full grown chins and it can cause her to run in an awkward position, and put strain on her spine. They also break easily and she could also chew the plastic on that. I have had a chin get an impaction as well from plastic. The wheels most people use that are safe for chins are the 15" Chin Spin and the Flying Saucer (metal, not the plastic ones in pet stores.)
That was just a temp cage, she is no longer in it. The wheel was a borrowed one for the weekend. We already know the dangers, we just needed a place for her for the weekend as our apartment complex sprayed on Saturday and all the cages needed to be moved onto the deck. No worries, I've done too much research before getting chins to put her in a prolonged situation like that. Thank you for your concern!