New Chinchilla

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Dec 8, 2010
Hi, I just got my chinchilla yesterday! His name's Patch. Yesterday when I got him he was skittish, running around and exploring his new home. He was active at night and most of that day when I brought him home around 3pm.

Today's our second day. He was up in the morning with me and awake, but since I'm 15 I had to go to school. My mom came home at 1 and he was sleeping in the front corner of his cage. He doesn't sleep in his hidey home much. It's 5pm right now, and he's still not very active. He hasn't been rolling in his dustbath, and right now he seems to be sleeping in it.

My questions are: Is it normal for him to not be interested in his hiding home? Is he just tired or is something going on? He was much active before. Also, about when should I attempt to actually pet him inside his cage, since he's adapting?

I'm sorry if I'm just nervous D: He's my first chin. Also, I'm sad to admit I'm a bit nervous about him biting me if I handle him. I'm more comfortable handling him with an adult around. I'd like some ways to get used to handling him.

Chins are weird sometimes. I bought mine a bunch of hidey homes and she completely ignored them for a YEAR. Now she's obsessed with them.

One question, I noticed you said your chin is sleeping in his dust bath. Do you keep it in the cage all the time? This will end up drying out their skin, since they only need to bathe two or three times a week for about ten to fifteen minutes at a time. It also ends up doing the opposite of what the bath is supposed to do for their fur.

Welcome to the forums and the wonderful world of chin ownership :)) Everyone here is super knowledgeable and dedicated to helping you become the best chin parent you can be!

PS: Please post some pictures of your chinnie! We can never get enough pictures
He's probably just freaked out about being in a new home haha. All of my guys were a bit off for a few days, even a couple weeks
I would let him be for a little while, maybe 2-3 days to get him used to his environment. I wouldn't pet/handle him, but over to the cage and talk to him and then gradually hold a healthy treat, like an unsweetened shredded wheat or a cheerio and see if he'll come to you. It may take some time to establish trust but you'll get there, he just needs some time.
Congrats on your new chinny! you came to the right place :))
Your chin may act differently now than later on when he is more comfortable in his new surrounding - new smells, sounds, people, etc. All chins are different, and some like their hidey houses and some don't. My chin slept in her hidey house until I provided a maze for her to play in (she has constant access to it) and now she never sleeps in her hidey house. She sleeps in the maze.

Give him a little time to get used to you, but some chins warm up quicker than others. You could try to show him your hand and see how he responds. Sometimes a chin approved treat can win him over. For my chin, time and patience was the key. I sat by her cage and talked to her a lot and got her used to my presence.

Also, as already stated, you should only provide a dust bath for 10-15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a week.

Congrats on your new little friend! We love pics! ;)
I've had my new chin for about four weeks now, and only NOW is he completely comfortable in his new surroundings and with me. Just give him a little time! Also, they sleep during the day, so don't worry if he's being lethargic. He'll be most active in the evening and early morning.

And you probably have nothing to worry about with the biting. I was afraid at first but then realize the only biting he does is when he's tasting my fingers, and its a gentle little nibble!
Hi and Welcome!!! I am also a new owner and have had my lil girl for just over 4 wks. I just would sit by her cage and talk to her, and read my book. She actually liked it better when I was sitting on the floor and not towering over her cage. Try kneeling or be at eye level, and don't worry about them biting. They love scratches under their chin and chest, so try giving them light scratches, and you will be able to tell their love spots, bc it looks like they smile at you :) ALSO, don't be worried about asking questions! Thats why this forum is in place and all these wonderful people love to talk about their Chins and experience! I would try giving one regular cheerio as a treat to get him close to you so you can scratch "scritch" him, or some oats, like the ones you have to cook for oatmeal. You can give a few of these one at a time, and Chins love them usually. Just try to have some quiet time around his cage by reading, or talking to him. Also Youtube on how to pick up and handle your chin properly: it is unusual bc you have to hold him by the base of his tail so you don't hurt him. That was the weirdest part for me. If you can move the cage into an inclosed and Chin-proofed room for some play time, like a bathroom with the toilet closed (don't want him getting wet or drowning by accident) and just sit on the floor and watch him explore and exercise, he may come out of his shell. This is what I have down everyday for the past 4 wks with my lil girl and now I call her and she runs over to me and crawls all over me.