New Chin, tiny poops

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Apr 20, 2011
We brought Frio home on Sunday, so this is our second full day with him. I know they get stressed with environment changes. Is it common for their poops to be really small during this time? I mean like..mouse small. This is my first chin, but my rats poos were bigger than this.Its hard to tell if he is really eating now as well. I am just hoping he is a lil bugged out at the moment. We got him from a great rescue and I am pretty sure that if it was an ongoing issue they would have cared for it and told me about it.
Yes it does happen to some chins. He is just stressed out. Give him a few more days and he should start eating.

Congrats on the new chin!
When I brought Pudge home at first her poos were teeny tiny, mouse sized. It was a combination stress and poor diet from her previous owner. We gave her lots and lots of hay, good water, good pellet, and peace and quiet and she quickly went back to normal.
We purchased Jackie at a show and the poor guy was really stressed by the time we got him home. After a few days of settling in he started eating and his poops got normal. However they never stopped totally so I just worried for a few days but he was fine.