New chin owner!!

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Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Spokane, WA
I just got my chin about a week and a half ago, and I named him Louie. I got him off of craigslist from a family who no longer wanted him. Thankfully, before I got him I stumbled onto this site!! I have literally been on here every day since and have learned so much information. The cage he came with is really small and only one level,and thanks to my research on here, I ordered him a ferret nation. (I'm so excited for it to get here)!! I also switched him from the fiesta food they were feeding him to Mazuri, and got him Oxbow hay. He loves his wheel, but it is plastic and too small, so I ordered him a chin spin and it just got in yesterday!! Long story short, lol, thanks to everyone on this forum, I think I am going to have a very happy and hopefully healthy chin. I will post pictures as soon as I get batteries in my camera!! :thumbsup:
Hi and welcome!!! I guess it was fate that you were destined to have a chin!!! Sounds like you're doing great so far. If you have any questions, we love to help. Can't wait to see pics! ;)
Wow, sounds like he is on his way to being super spoiled!!! Congrats to you and to him for finding you :D