new chin owner question

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I have a new chin and am noticing he doesn't eat very many pellets, but mainly eats his hay. is this oK? he is on quality hay and pellets.

the other question is about the dust bath. i got one of the "houses" that connect inside the cage. . .but i think he has chosen this spot to pee as i am always cleaning it out. is it better to just offer a dust bath occassionally rather than leaving it in the cage at all times?
You'l probably notice that he's going to fluctuate a bit in what he eats pellet wise. Some days the chins dive right in and other days they pick. That's pretty normal (can depend on the weather, etc.). He's eating hay, and that's a good thing, so if he's not eating as much of his pellets I wouldn't worry overmuch. Whenever you are worried, watch that things are normal otherwise, poops, peeing, weight.

You should not offer a dust bath on a regular basis, only offer it 2-3 times per week. Otherwise, you're going to end up drying out his skin and he'll get a flakey. They love to lay in their dust baths when I forgot to remove one, so it's pretty natural they would pee and poop in there too.
dust bath

sorry to disagree Tunes but I give the dust bath to all my chins for 10 minutes every day no problem with dry or flakey skin.
Tansy - Unless you live in a very humid area, there's just no reason to do that. If you choose to do that, that's great, but you generally won't find it recommended here on the forum unless it's the month prior to a show to get their coats in show shape.
Agreed, I was dusting four times a week for five minutes each - once winter came, the ears started getting flakey, so I cut that in half.
I have to second (or third) the dusting issue. My chins get baths about 3 times a week, the only time they get more is if for some reason they are looking greasy. If I leave the bath in there too long they'll pee in it, so just cut down on your bath time and you should be fine.

As long as your chin is eating pellets as well and isn't losing weight you should be fine. Some chins just go back and forth like that:thumbsup:
It is so dry here that if I bathe my chins more than once a week, their ears get dried out. I used to offer it 24/7 'till I found this forum.
I dust only a few times a week unless it is show season. too much like peggy said and they get dry itchy flaky skin. In humid weather they get baths more frequently
In the winter, my chins dust once a week. In the summer 2-3 times. They have never looked greasy. But I would never dust them daily.
my chinny dusts every other living in the caribbean and it is extremely humid here...its also summer all year round so it's necessary...when i move back to canada i will probably cut down during the wintertime..
dust baths

This must be a climate issue there is very little difference in the temperature etc in the room my chins live in all year round its about the same. Had chins in there since 1981 never a flakey or dry skin problem in any of them.The answer is to try a method and see how it goes if it causes problems change it This thread should give cause for thought which is good.
oh GREAT. . .thanks for the advice. I do have another question. . .years ago i had a rabbit and it was recommended to give them papaya tablets every now and then. Since chins have similar diet, is this recommended for them? however, i think the tablets were to help prevent hairballs and since chins have a totally different type of fur it may not be necessary. . .my Billy Rose is a hoot! I'm really enjoying getting to know him.