New baby bonding :)

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
:dance3: :dance3: I'm happy to report that sweet baby Jasper (He'll be 3 months old on the 23rd) has been in his new home almost 3 weeks (I have been working with him daily, patiently and slowly) and this morning he greeted me at the doors of his cage with his paws extended upwards holding onto the bars and anxiously waiting for his belly scritches. He LOVES them so much and he's soft as "buttah" there...OH.MY.GOSH!!!!!! I was so freakin happy and amused at how he looks like a little monkey stretched out like that.... Tee hee hee :heart5: I love that little guy so much already!!!!!! :dance3:

ETA: I'm obsessed and I think I may have a problem..:crazy:!!!!!!!!
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The important thing is that you can recognize that there is a problem. But, I don't see a problem. :p

I love the little babies so much. I have a few here that I really should find homes for as soon as I can, but they are so adorable and sweet and I love playing with them.

Anyhow, multiply your "problem" by about 150 and you have my "problem"...but it isn't a problem or an obsession, it's a lifestyle...yeah, that's it.
Hahaha! That's crazy!!!! Good lord...HOW on earth do you clean up all that poo? I'm guessing they're in breeder cages and have bedding down instead of fleece....? I clean poo EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and still not on top of it. I honestly had no idea they poo so much!!!! I can't imagine having 2 or 3 of them in a cage. Maybe I'm paranoid (?crazy?) being a new Chin Mom but I can't leave those little poos in there...
I love taking care of them so poo removal and sweeping is a labor of love. I have cages with wire floors so everything falls through. A few of the cages have some fleece in them but for the most part the chins have destroyed their fleece accessories. They get a lot of ledges and shelves and things to play on so that they can be comfortable and have a good time.

Cleaning every day is a good practice because in the end you will do less work since you are keeping up with the mess and it will never get overwhelming. That's the key to having chins in any amount, 2 or 500 - keep up with the mess! I make sure that the floors are swept up twice a day, and that only takes maybe 15 minutes on days that I don't clean cages.

Today I am supposed to be cleaning cages but I have been really slacking off! I should get back to cleaning...
Wow! That's awesome that they have some one like you as their Mommy!!!!!

I know doggone well that eventually I'm gonna break down and get another one..then another, and another....And then I'll be known around work as the crazy chin lady :crazy:
Babies are so cute! I understand what you mean about getting another then another then another too! Started with one, got another, then another, then another, then finally bought my baby girl (More like saved her from petsmart b/c she wasn't weened off her mom and had no idea how to drink out of a bottle. We hand fed her water for weeks until she caught on).

Unfortunately, our oldest girl (Dusty) passed last year at the age of 10. After that incident, we decided 4 was enough for us :)

Congrats on your baby chin and don't worry, we're all known as crazy chin ladies/men! :)

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